释义 |
1 a : having a small upward extension or elevation a low wall b : situated or passing little above a reference line, point, or plane low bridges c(1) : having a low-cut neckline (2) : not extending as high as the ankle low oxfords 2 a : situated or passing below the normal level, surface, or base of measurement, or the mean elevation low ground b : marking a nadir or bottom the low point of his career 3 a(1) : small in number or amount (2) : substandard, inadequate a low level of employment a low income group (4) : short, depleted Oil is in low supply. b : of lesser degree, size, or amount than average or ordinary low energy c : of lesser position, rank, or order 4 : intended to attract little attention kept a low profile 5 : unfavorable, disparaging had a low opinion of her 6 a : lacking spirit or vivacity : depressed a low frame of mind b : lacking strength, health, or vitality : weak, prostrate very low with pneumonia 7 a : being near the horizon b : being near the equator low northern latitudes 8 : falling short of some standard: such as a : morally reprehensible : base a low trick b : lacking dignity or elevation a low style of writing c : coarse, vulgar low language 9 b : characterized by being toward the bottom of the range of pitch attainable (as by an instrument) 10 : socially or economically humble in character or status a person of low birth 11 : designed for slow and usually the slowest speed low gear 12 a : not advanced in complexity, development, or elaboration low organisms b often capitalized : low church 13 : being near the basket or net a player in the low post 14 : dead —used as a predicate adjective with lay laid the enemy low 15 : articulated with a wide opening between the relatively flat tongue and the palate : open \\ä\\ is a low vowel. 1 : something that is low: such as a : depth a new low in advertising b : a region of low barometric pressure 2 : the transmission gear of an automotive vehicle giving the lowest ratio of driveshaft to crankshaft speed intransitive verb : moo In barns cows lowed to be milked. Esther Forbes : the deep sustained sound characteristic especially of a cow 1 as in tropical being near the equator we took a cruise to the low northern latitudes -
tropical -
subtropical -
equatorial -
subtropic -
semitropical -
semitropic 2 as in primitive belonging to or characteristic of an early level of skill or development once considered the latest thing, electric typewriters now look like low technology indeed -
primitive -
rudimentary -
early -
crude -
basic -
simple -
old -
obsolete -
unsophisticated -
ancient -
uncomplicated -
rude -
primordial -
antiquated -
past -
backward -
primeval -
underdeveloped -
homely -
undeveloped -
embryonic -
antique -
homespun -
aged -
unmodernized -
quaint -
hoary -
dated -
outworn -
antediluvian -
fusty -
oldfangled -
passé -
old-fashioned -
out-of-date -
musty -
old-time -
high -
higher -
late -
advanced -
evolved -
developed -
complex -
complicated -
sophisticated -
intricate -
involved -
grown -
ripe -
mature -
matured -
ripened -
perfected -
current -
new -
civilized -
modern -
enlightened -
cultivated -
refined -
contemporary -
latest -
now -
novel -
modernistic -
full-blown -
ultramodern -
newfangled -
mod -
supermodern -
up-to-date -
present-day -
state-of-the-art -
new-fashioned -
space-age See More 3 as in humble belonging to the class of people of low social or economic rank people, both high and low, have been worshipping in this cathedral for centuries -
humble -
poor -
lowly -
inferior -
common -
ignoble -
vulgar -
plebeian -
simple -
unwashed -
lumpen -
prole -
mean -
proletarian -
lowborn -
lower-class -
baseborn -
low-life -
bourgeois -
plain -
middle-class -
working-class -
downscale -
déclassé -
down-market -
high -
great -
lofty -
gentle -
aristocratic -
noble -
grand -
genteel -
patrician -
highborn -
prominent -
eminent -
notable -
wellborn -
highbred -
upper-class -
upper-crust -
illustrious -
blue-blooded See More 4 as in depressed feeling unhappiness I was feeling low, and wanted to do something exciting to cheer myself up -
depressed -
unhappy -
sad -
bad -
miserable -
heartbroken -
down -
melancholy -
upset -
worried -
sorry -
disappointed -
mournful -
woeful -
blue -
uneasy -
troubled -
hopeless -
sorrowful -
gloomy -
dejected -
disconsolate -
doleful -
depressing -
droopy -
cast down -
hangdog -
woebegone -
downcast -
melancholic -
glum -
brokenhearted -
joyless -
forlorn -
wretched -
downhearted -
crestfallen -
suicidal -
sunk -
distressed -
discouraged -
saddened -
inconsolable -
heartsick -
despondent -
low-spirited -
heavyhearted -
down in the mouth -
despairing -
tearful -
grieving -
bleak -
unquiet -
aggrieved -
dismal -
heartsore -
somber -
dark -
lugubrious -
dispirited -
morbid -
weeping -
gray -
desolate -
darkening -
sullen -
black -
plaintive -
anguished -
disheartened -
wailing -
cheerless -
lachrymose -
regretful -
agonized -
dolorous -
rueful -
morose -
saturnine -
murky -
dreary -
elegiac -
elegiacal -
comfortless -
grey -
drear -
sombre -
funereal -
buoyant -
cheerful -
sunny -
buoyed -
exuberant -
joyous -
blissful -
happy -
joyful -
upbeat -
cheery -
gleeful -
glad -
rapturous -
jubilant -
jolly -
euphoric -
ecstatic -
exultant -
jovial -
chipper -
blithe -
rhapsodical -
optimistic -
merry -
delighted -
jocular -
rhapsodic -
blithesome -
enraptured -
excited -
elated -
rosy -
mirthful -
vital -
energetic -
bouncing -
sanguine -
exhilarated -
jocose -
hopeful -
overjoyed -
lightsome -
jocund -
perky -
spirited -
content -
entranced -
lively -
gladsome -
peppy -
satisfied -
vivacious -
frisky -
thrilled -
gladdened -
sprightly -
springy -
jaunty -
careless -
laughing -
smiling -
unconcerned -
animated -
zippy -
encouraged -
easygoing -
carefree -
pleased -
boon -
gratified -
lighthearted -
insouciant -
sprightful -
cavalier -
beaming -
grinning -
heartened -
happy-go-lucky -
devil-may-care See More 5 as in deep having a low musical pitch or range the tuba's low notes made the floor vibrate -
deep -
bass -
smoky -
throaty -
grave -
hoarse -
rough -
gruff -
husky -
boomy -
tubby -
smokey -
high -
acute -
shrill -
sharp -
treble -
thin -
piping -
squeaky -
squeaking -
squealing -
penetrating -
high-pitched -
strident -
piercing -
earsplitting -
tinny -
peeping See More 6 as in short having relatively little height the low hedge surrounding the garden wasn't meant to keep anything out, just to look pretty -
short -
little -
small -
slight -
tiny -
low-slung -
low-lying -
dwarf -
flat -
compact -
diminutive -
sawed-off -
minimized -
smallish -
puny -
dwarfish -
pocket -
petite -
dumpy -
bitty -
miniature -
squat -
undersized -
wee -
stumpy -
stunted -
dinky -
stubby -
mini -
scrubby -
bantam -
pygmy -
squatty -
teeny -
minute -
undersize -
pocket-sized -
pocket-size -
pint-sized -
teeny-weeny -
half-pint -
pint-size -
high -
tall -
lofty -
elevated -
lifted -
towering -
raised -
uplifted -
upswept -
altitudinous -
large -
statuesque -
lanky -
sizeable -
big -
sizable -
rangy -
hefty -
bulky -
oversized -
voluminous -
outsized -
gangling -
oversize -
outsize -
largish -
high-rise -
hulking -
gangly See More 7 as in weak lacking bodily strength the weeklong bout of chicken pox laid her low -
weak -
weakened -
feeble -
soft -
disabled -
frail -
faint -
slight -
softened -
wimpy -
exhausted -
paralyzed -
tired -
sapped -
languid -
vulnerable -
wasted -
debilitated -
enfeebled -
unsubstantial -
asthenic -
tender -
enervated -
infirm -
prostrate -
fragile -
delicate -
injured -
incapacitated -
wimpish -
effete -
prostrated -
weary -
drained -
hurt -
invalid -
rocky -
challenged -
impaired -
unsteady -
down-and-out -
decrepit -
damaged -
susceptible -
flimsy -
dizzy -
impotent -
yielding -
powerless -
lame -
flagging -
breakable -
woozy -
groggy -
resistless -
broken-down -
unresistant -
harmed -
unsound -
worn-out -
strong -
powerful -
mighty -
robust -
rugged -
hard -
tough -
stout -
muscular -
fit -
beefy -
sturdy -
athletic -
stalwart -
husky -
virile -
sinewy -
hardy -
lusty -
brawny -
vigorous -
strapping -
healthy -
energetic -
hardened -
sound -
strengthened -
capable -
fortified -
toughened -
competent -
energized -
vitalized -
recovering -
hale -
inured -
able-bodied -
red-blooded -
invigorated -
recuperating -
convalescing See More 8 as in crass lacking in refinement or good taste jokes about toilets are generally considered low humor -
crass -
vulgar -
rude -
common -
coarse -
crude -
gross -
rough -
lowbrow -
rugged -
clumsy -
unrefined -
unpolished -
incult -
uncultivated -
raffish -
uncouth -
uncultured -
tasteless -
roughneck -
insensible -
lowbred -
rustic -
unsophisticated -
insensitive -
rough-hewn -
illiberal -
ungentlemanly -
ill-bred -
lumpish -
provincial -
inconsiderate -
boorish -
churlish -
tacky -
cloddish -
clownish -
indelicate -
thoughtless -
lubberly -
loutish -
rustical -
countrified -
inelegant -
barbarous -
uncivilized -
oafish -
unmannered -
countryfied -
animallike -
barbaric -
unmannerly -
mannerless -
graceless -
smooth -
polished -
refined -
civilized -
aristocratic -
cultivated -
cultured -
genteel -
tasteful -
sensitive -
elegant -
graceful -
restrained -
ultrarefined -
patrician -
courtly -
sophisticated -
well-bred -
gracious -
considerate -
thoughtful -
urbane -
citified See More 9 as in dirty not following or in accordance with standards of honor and decency low tactics of that sort will not be tolerated on this hockey team -
dirty -
nasty -
base -
bad -
vile -
paltry -
immoral -
ignominious -
ignoble -
vicious -
cruel -
corrupt -
contemptible -
detestable -
mean -
sordid -
snide -
dishonorable -
wretched -
despicable -
low-down -
evil -
low-minded -
execrable -
currish -
wicked -
wrong -
foul -
iniquitous -
degenerate -
atrocious -
debased -
miscreant -
depraved -
dissolute -
unscrupulous -
unworthy -
debauched -
censurable -
shameful -
perverted -
disgraceful -
villainous -
disreputable -
reprehensible -
unprincipled -
unethical -
discreditable -
blameworthy -
blamable -
high -
lofty -
straight -
noble -
upright -
honorable -
virtuous -
excellent -
good -
venerable -
ethical -
honest -
moral -
right -
just -
righteous -
scrupulous -
proper -
decent -
respectable -
exemplary -
commendable -
reputable -
high-minded -
seemly -
principled -
blameless -
guiltless -
right-minded -
incorruptible -
irreproachable -
unerring -
uncorrupted See More 10 as in soft not loud in pitch or volume murmured her answer in a low voice -
soft -
quiet -
gentle -
hushed -
dull -
silent -
muffled -
still -
soothing -
calm -
dead -
muted -
serene -
tranquil -
dreamy -
restful -
softened -
peaceful -
stilly -
toned (down) -
loud -
booming -
thunderous -
sonorous -
roaring -
blasting -
crashing -
deafening -
stentorian -
clamorous -
noisy -
earsplitting -
plangent -
overloud -
ringing -
thundering -
piercing -
blaring -
vociferous -
shrill -
raucous -
harsh -
resounding -
discordant -
brazen -
clangorous -
obstreperous -
clear -
grating -
strident -
dinning -
squealing -
rip-roaring -
trumpetlike -
clarion See More 11 as in inexpensive costing little gas is low right now, but prices will inevitably rise this summer, when people start driving more -
inexpensive -
reasonable -
cheap -
affordable -
budget -
reduced -
lowered -
dirt cheap -
cheapo -
popular -
cheapie -
chintzy -
low-end -
discounted -
moderate -
discount -
cut-price -
cut-rate -
worthless -
el cheapo -
cheapish -
bargain-basement -
dime-store -
wholesale -
valueless -
ultracheap -
supercheap -
fire-sale -
high -
expensive -
valuable -
costly -
dear -
premium -
precious -
pricey -
increased -
inflated -
deluxe -
steep -
exorbitant -
unreasonable -
prohibitive -
pricy -
spendy -
stiff -
extravagant -
overpriced -
high-ticket -
invaluable -
prohibitory -
priceless -
luxurious -
ultraexpensive -
superexpensive See More 12 as in bottom of, relating to, or located at the bottom currently enjoys a low standing in the polls -
bottom -
lower -
rock-bottom -
lowermost -
undermost -
nethermost -
lowered -
below -
under -
nether -
low-grade -
bottommost -
lowly -
low-lying -
sunken -
highest -
higher -
top -
upper -
uppermost -
topmost -
loftiest -
elevated -
lifted -
loftier -
upmost -
raised -
heightened -
uplifted -
escalated -
upraised -
jacked (up) See More 13 as in lacking not coming up to an expected measure or meeting a particular need levels for school volunteers remain low, at least compared to what was expected -
lacking -
insufficient -
inadequate -
scarce -
short -
deficient -
unacceptable -
sparse -
shy -
unsatisfactory -
minimum -
meager -
wanting -
substandard -
lean -
skimpy -
poor -
meagre -
scant -
slender -
small -
scanty -
light -
mere -
stingy -
slim -
spare -
skimp -
bare -
slight -
niggardly -
hand-to-mouth -
adequate -
sufficient -
enough -
abundant -
plentiful -
generous -
ample -
copious -
liberal -
bountiful -
plenteous -
bounteous -
satisfactory -
large -
tolerable -
enlarged -
expanded -
considerable -
rich -
substantial -
teeming -
overflowing -
supplemented -
super -
sizeable -
plenitudinous -
hefty -
sizable -
big -
lavish -
oversized -
oversize -
largish -
luxuriant -
jumbo -
abounding -
king-sized -
king-size See More 14 as in fallen no longer living thousands of the elderly were laid low by the deadly strain of flu -
fallen -
dead -
late -
cold -
deceased -
asleep -
lifeless -
dying -
gone -
extinct -
defunct -
fading -
breathless -
departed -
demised -
bitten the dust -
moribund -
lapsed -
terminated -
finished -
inanimate -
stillborn -
insensate -
nonliving -
quick -
live -
breathing -
alive -
living -
going -
dynamic -
active -
vital -
functioning -
vibrant -
lively -
operative -
thriving -
animate -
animated -
running -
vivacious See More as in bay -
bay -
bellow -
cheep -
grunt -
squeak -
howl -
whinny -
blat -
screech -
neigh -
squawk -
squeal -
roar -
quack -
chirp -
yelp -
calling -
bark -
croak -
trumpet -
cluck -
crake -
coo -
moo -
bleat -
cackle -
squall -
honk -
peep -
yowl -
caterwaul -
caw -
bray -
crow -
yip -
hoot -
meow -
tu-whit tu-whoo -
oink -
mew -
twitter -
yap -
cry -
miaow -
call -
note as in down -
down -
downward -
below -
over -
downwards -
downhill -
downgrade -
downstairs -
facedown -
up -
upward -
upwards -
upwardly -
aloft |