Recent Examples on the WebThe wider the horizontal line, the bigger the error bar. Alex Hutchinson, Outside Online, 9 Apr. 2022 The result was a specific prediction, relying on the contributions of many theorists, with a minuscule error bar that made a clear experimental target. Robert P. Crease, Scientific American, 2 May 2021 The category estimates in the methane emissions ledger have large enough error bars on them that bumping some up and others down could accommodate this revision. Scott K. Johnson, Ars Technica, 20 Feb. 2020 Every time the White House releases a COVID-19 model, we will be tempted to drown ourselves in endless discussions about the error bars, the clarity around the parameters, the wide range of outcomes, and the applicability of the underlying data. Zeynep Tufekci, The Atlantic, 2 Apr. 2020 Although there are huge uncertainties as to the precise impacts of climate change, with large error bars around temperature forecasts, enough is known to say that global warming represents one of the main threats to Africa’s prosperity.The Economist, 26 Mar. 2020 And while the error bars would be large, the method can at least say something interesting. Scott K. Johnson, Ars Technica, 2 Jan. 2020 While the averages obviously tended to be similar, the error bars on a set of 10 are much wider. Scott K. Johnson, Ars Technica, 2 Jan. 2020 For example, even though error bars seem exact, people often misunderstand them. Jessica Hullman, Scientific American, 3 Sep. 2019 See More