

单词 endocrine


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en·​do·​crine ˈen-də-krən How to pronounce endocrine (audio)
: secreting internally
specifically : producing secretions that are distributed in the body by way of the bloodstream
hormones produced by the endocrine system
: of, relating to, affecting, or resembling an endocrine gland or secretion
endocrine tumors


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: hormone sense 1
: endocrine gland

Did you know?

The body's glands remove specific substances from the blood and alter them for rerelease into the blood or removal. Glands such as those that produce saliva and sweat secrete their products through tiny ducts or tubes on or near the body's surface. The glands without ducts, called the endocrine glands, instead secrete their products into the bloodstream; the endo- root indicates that the secretions are internal rather than on the surface. The endocrine system includes such glands as the pituitary (which controls growth, regulates the other endocrines, and performs many other tasks), the thyroid (another growth gland that also influences metabolism), the adrenals (which secrete adrenaline and steroids), the hypothalamus (which influences sleep and weight regulation), and the ovaries (which produce eggs). Endocrine problems are treated by endocrinologists.

Example Sentences

Recent Examples on the Web
Essential oils could be branded as endocrine disruptors, which disrupt the body’s normal hormone patterns. Lucy Papachristou, WSJ, 7 Aug. 2022 In a review article published last month, Dr. Juul and a team of researchers analyzed hundreds of studies looking at endocrine disrupters and their effects on puberty. New York Times, 19 May 2022 Phthalates have been scientifically demonstrated to cause endocrine disruption. Grooming Playbook, The Salt Lake Tribune, 2 June 2022 Soy contains isoflavones, endocrine disruptors that mimic and interfere with human estrogen. Madeleine Watts, Harper’s Magazine , 25 May 2022 The core ingredients of this Oat Cleansing Facial Polish are safe and sustainable, cruelty free, vegan, and contain no toxic materials, endocrine disruptors, petroleum derived ingredients, or silicone. The Salt Lake Tribune, 13 May 2022 It’s an endocrine organ and secretes various substances that produce health benefits. Oliver Lee Bateman, Men's Health, 19 May 2022 Either way, be sure to check that the foam is free of flame-retardants, which can be endocrine disruptors around children and pregnant women. Lexie Sachs, Good Housekeeping, 28 Apr. 2022 Long-term exposure has been linked to endocrine disruption, birth defects, and multiple organ damage. Grooming Playbook, The Salt Lake Tribune, 7 Apr. 2022
This can be a good thing for diabetics who, due to our complex endocrine system, sometimes don’t feel fullness when eating. Zoe Witt, Glamour, 9 Sep. 2022 Unfortunately, many skincare products are made with harmful synthetic additives that are known to have numerous grave side effects, including cancer, endocrine disorders, organ damage, and infertility. Grooming Playbook, The Salt Lake Tribune, 7 Apr. 2022 These essential fatty acids are integral to forming cell membranes, providing energy to your body, supporting your immune, cardiovascular, and endocrine systems, and mediating inflammation, according to the National Institutes of Health (NIH). Marygrace Taylor, SELF, 30 Apr. 2022 They’re produced by your endocrine system to regulate everything from metabolism to growth and development to your stress response. Kirsten Nunez, SELF, 22 June 2022 Scientists have linked phthalates to a disruption of the endocrine system and organs. Grooming Playbook, The Salt Lake Tribune, 26 May 2022 Synthetic musk compounds disrupt hormonal function, interfere with endocrine processes, and are linked to both neural degeneration and infertility. Grooming Playbook, The Salt Lake Tribune, 31 Mar. 2022 The body’s endocrine system is made up of several glands that secrete hormones, and specialists in this field work on all sorts of related medical issues - metabolism, growth and development, tissue function, and sleep. Ariana Eunjung Cha, Anchorage Daily News, 19 Apr. 2022 Common additives used in food containers have been shown to interfere with the endocrine system, which directs human growth, fertility, and metabolism. Rebecca Altman, The Atlantic, 15 Mar. 2022 See More

Word History



borrowed from French, from endo- endo- + -crine, as in olocrine, holocrine holocrine and mérocrine merocrine

Note: Word introduced by the French histologist Édouard Laguesse (1861-1927) in "Sur la formation des îlots de Langerhans dans le pancréas," Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des séances et mémoires de la Société de Biologie, 45. tome (1893), p. 820. The conclusions summarized in this report were treated in more detail in the author's "Recherches sur l'histogénie du pancréas chez le mouton," carried over two numbers of the Journal de l'anatomie et de la physiologie, vols. 31-32 (1895-96). In vol. 32, p. 245, Laguesse remarks on the word, now used in the collocation îlots endocrines, referring to the islets of Langerhans: "C'est en 1893 (29 juillet), dans une communication préliminaire faite à la Société de Biologie, que j'ais pour la première fois prononcé ce mot et émis cet hypothèse, mais avec une grande réserve …" ("It was in 1893 (July 29), in a preliminary communication made to the Société de Biologie, that I uttered this word and put forward this hypothesis for the first time, though with great reserve …"). In an undated manuscript note Laguesse commented on the introduction of the word: "Dès ma première communication sur les îlots pancréatiques en 1893, j'avais été gêné d'avoir toujours à répéter ce qualificatif 'à sécrétion interne' et j'étais frappé de la bonne allure et de la simplicité des termes holocrine et mérocrine créés par Ranvier. A son exemple je forgeai le vocable endocrine, de ενδον en dedans, κρινω je sépare, je sécrète. Il devait répondre à une véritable nécessité, si nous en jugeon[s] d'après son succès." ("From the time of my first communication on the pancreatic islets in 1893, I was bothered by the need to always repeat the qualification 'by internal secretion,' and I was struck by the attractiveness and simplicity of the terms holocrine and merocrine created by Ranvier. After his example I coined the word endocrine, de endon 'inside' and krinō 'I separate, I secrete.' It must have responded to a real need, to judge by its success.") (See reproduction of the note in Pierre Fossati, "Edouard Laguesse à Lille en 1893 crée le terme 'endocrine' et ouvre l'ère de l'endocrinologie," Histoire des sciences médicales, tome 38 [2004], pp. 433-40.)


derivative of endocrine entry 1

First Known Use


1914, in the meaning defined at sense 1


1922, in the meaning defined at sense 1

Medical Definition

endocrine 1 of 2


en·​do·​crine ˈen-də-krən How to pronounce endocrine (audio) -ˌkrīn How to pronounce endocrine (audio) -ˌkrēn How to pronounce endocrine (audio)
: secreting internally
specifically : producing secretions that are distributed in the body by way of the bloodstream
an endocrine organ
: of, relating to, affecting, or resembling an endocrine gland or secretion
endocrine tumors


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: hormone sense 1a
: endocrine gland




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