Recent Examples on the WebTrump’s team has tried to paint Biden as an empty suit trying to disguise the threat of socialism. Michael Brendan Dougherty, National Review, 29 Sep. 2020 When Lukashenko first rose to power in 1994, the budding autocrat was perceived as little more than a dolt, an empty suit, a pig farmer who few in Minsk’s political ranks took seriously. Casey Michel, The New Republic, 10 Aug. 2020 In the iconic drama that ran on CBS between 1957 and 1966, Raymond Burr’s broad shoulders filled out the empty suit. Judy Berman, Time, 11 June 2020 Only Scott, standing alone up front beside the championship-game trophy, an empty suit spitting mostly hollow words. John Canzano | The Oregonian/oregonlive, oregonlive, 9 Dec. 2019 When Emmanuel Macron ran for president of France, his critics dismissed him as an empty suit who didn’t stand a chance. Simon Nixon, WSJ, 10 Sep. 2017 Well, over the weekend, the kitty came screeching out of the burlap thanks to obvious anagram Reince Priebus, the emptiest suit in American politics. Charles P. Pierce, Esquire, 11 Mar. 2014 With no party affiliation, Sarec has branded Pahor as an empty suit who fears decision-making. Boris Cerni,, 21 Oct. 2017 See More