释义 |
1 as in to classify to arrange or assign according to type when presented with the pile of files, the first thing he did was to break them down by month, order within the month, and region -
classify -
rank -
group -
type -
distinguish -
separate -
place -
grade -
relegate -
sort -
distribute -
class -
digest -
list -
peg -
range -
categorize -
identify -
draw up -
codify -
recognize -
compartment -
order -
organize -
compartmentalize -
refer -
file -
assort -
catalog -
cull -
dispose -
index -
array -
marshal -
systematize -
alphabetize -
pigeonhole -
catalogue -
cluster -
shelve -
sieve -
clump -
screen -
reclassify -
sift -
marshall -
winnow -
set -
regroup -
colligate -
recategorize -
subcategorize -
mix (up) -
lump -
confuse -
scramble -
jumble -
disarrange -
missort -
misclassify -
mistype See More 2 as in to decompose to go through decomposition the enamel of a human tooth will begin to break down when exposed to sugar for too long -
decompose -
decay -
rot -
disintegrate -
fall apart -
run to seed -
mold -
corrupt -
go to seed -
perish -
spoil -
fester -
foul -
turn off -
deteriorate -
molder -
descend -
putrefy -
turn -
sour -
crumble -
rust -
contaminate -
taint -
pollute -
ferment -
defile -
degenerate -
mortify -
addle -
curdle -
decline -
sink -
wither -
dilapidate -
grow -
develop -
mature -
restore -
renew -
age -
ripen -
improve -
refresh -
better -
integrate -
cleanse -
purify -
compose -
assemble -
ameliorate -
meliorate See More 3 as in to analyze to identify and examine the basic elements or parts of (something) especially for discovering interrelationships if we break the problem down into what appear to be three aspects of it, we'll have a better chance of solving it -
analyze -
dissect -
diagnose -
examine -
assess -
investigate -
evaluate -
deconstruct -
assay -
cut -
divide -
anatomize -
inspect -
sort -
separate -
scrutinize -
order -
classify -
reduce -
segment -
diagram -
catalog -
codify -
index -
arrange -
catalogue -
enumerate -
tabulate -
schematize -
categorize -
subdivide -
assort -
integrate -
consolidate -
aggregate -
unify -
conglomerate -
synthesize -
assimilate -
coalesce -
amalgamate -
agglomerate See More 4 as in to die to stop functioning the computer finally broke down and had to be replaced -
die -
crash -
fail -
cut out -
stall -
break -
give out -
conk (out) -
act up -
malfunction -
wheeze -
fizzle -
sputter -
jam 5 as in to melt down to yield to mental or emotional stress began to break down when he realized that he was on the verge of bankruptcy -
melt down -
fall apart -
lose it -
crack -
break up -
choke -
wig (out) -
flip (out) -
go to pieces -
freak (out) -
blow one's cool -
go off the deep end 6 as in to take down to take apart the crew was breaking down the party tent when we arrived -
take down -
knock down -
disconnect -
dismantle -
detach -
strike -
disassemble -
dismount -
dismember -
divide -
demount -
separate -
break up -
disengage -
disaggregate -
disjoint -
disarticulate -
dissever -
disunite -
disjoin -
build -
construct -
assemble -
combine -
erect -
pitch -
unite See More 7 as in to shatter to cause to break with violence and much noise firefighters had to break down the wall to rescue the kitten -
shatter -
smash -
fracture -
destroy -
demolish -
tear down -
fragment -
crash -
split -
splinter -
wreck -
ruin -
total -
waste -
desolate -
crack -
annihilate -
crunch -
bash -
vaporize -
shiver -
snap -
nuke -
crush -
bust -
decimate -
pulverize -
wrack -
devastate 1 as in nervous breakdown a mental or nervous collapse if you don't ease your workload, you're going to have a breakdown -
nervous breakdown -
tailspin -
disturbance -
anxiety -
agitation -
crack-up -
meltdown -
excitability -
freak-out -
apprehension -
disquiet -
perturbation -
nervousness -
frazzle -
alarm -
basket case -
discomposure -
alarum -
tranquility -
composure -
calmness -
coolness -
tranquillity -
serenity -
placidity -
tranquilness -
aplomb -
imperturbability -
sereneness -
self-possession See More 2 as in decomposition the process by which dead organic matter separates into simpler substances the breakdown of the body was arrested by the embalming process -
decomposition -
decay -
fermentation -
disintegration -
spoilage -
putrefaction -
rot -
festering -
crumbling -
corruption -
putrescence -
dissolution -
curdling -
souring -
moldering -
growth -
maturation -
ripening 3 as in analysis the separation and identification of the parts of a whole the boss wanted a detailed breakdown of the sales figures -
analysis -
inspection -
investigation -
assessment -
examination -
deconstruction -
dissection -
evaluation -
anatomy -
assay -
diagnosis -
anatomizing -
classification -
inventory -
categorization -
codification -
tabulation -
scrutiny -
cataloging -
reduction -
arrangement -
segmentation -
assortment -
enumeration -
indexing -
cataloguing -
itemization -
separation -
division -
subdivision -
muster -
synthesis -
integration -
consolidation -
aggregation -
amalgamation -
unification -
coalescence -
agglomeration -
assimilation -
conglomeration See More |