释义 |
1 : muscular also : strong, powerful 2 : being swollen and hard a brawny infected foot brawnily ˈbrȯ-nə-lē adverb brawniness ˈbrȯ-nē-nəs noun 1 as in muscular having muscles capable of exerting great physical force the store manager always asked the brawniest person there to do the heavy lifting -
muscular -
strong -
powerful -
rugged -
stout -
mighty -
sinewy -
stalwart -
masculine -
athletic -
sturdy -
burly -
beefy -
tough -
potent -
virile -
forceful -
husky -
strapping -
energetic -
vigorous -
hard -
trim -
forcible -
puissant -
fit -
healthy -
robust -
lusty -
strengthened -
vitalized -
toughened -
hale -
sound -
able-bodied -
inured -
hearty -
red-blooded -
invigorated -
energized -
weak -
feeble -
delicate -
frail -
wimpy -
challenged -
weakling -
disabled -
small -
impotent -
paralyzed -
incapacitated -
puny -
powerless -
slight -
unfit -
unhealthy -
unathletic See More 2 as in sinewy marked by a well-developed musculature brawny arms that weren't developed in the gym but by years of work in the construction business -
muscular -
sinewy -
burly -
athletic -
beefy -
wiry -
powerful -
strong -
hulking -
strapping -
sturdy -
sculpted -
robust -
mighty -
husky -
stout -
hefty -
muscle-bound -
stalwart -
herculean -
rugged -
able-bodied -
scrawny -
skinny -
weak -
feeble -
wimpy -
fragile -
delicate -
slender -
frail -
lightweight -
effete -
lean -
slight -
thin -
weakened -
enfeebled -
debilitated -
nonathletic -
weakly -
light -
svelte -
willowy -
slim -
gaunt -
rawboned -
spare -
emaciated -
lank -
enervated -
sylphlike -
scraggy See More 3 as in burly strongly and heavily built a tough little boy who's going to be a brawny man someday -
burly -
beefy -
hulking -
athletic -
powerful -
husky -
mighty -
muscular -
stout -
sturdy -
strong -
hefty -
mesomorphic -
rugged -
sinewy -
solid -
strapping -
stocky -
robust -
muscle-bound -
heavy -
thickset -
stalwart -
heavyset -
herculean -
pudgy -
chubby -
compact -
chunky -
squatty -
squat -
lumpish -
tubby -
portly -
dumpy -
able-bodied -
podgy -
roly-poly -
slender -
lean -
thin -
svelte -
lightweight -
willowy -
lanky -
slight -
slim -
scrawny -
light -
bony -
skinny -
wiry -
weedy -
gaunt -
gawky -
stringy -
reedy -
spare -
scraggy -
sylphlike -
waspish -
twiggy -
gangling -
weak -
feeble -
puny -
wimpy -
fragile -
spidery -
delicate -
frail -
gangly -
boney -
effete -
emaciated -
enfeebled -
debilitated -
infirm -
weakly -
unathletic -
enervated See More |