释义 |
: the one as well as the other both of us —used as a function word to indicate and stress the inclusion of each of two or more things specified by coordinated words, phrases, or clauses prized both for its beauty and for its utilityhe … who loveth well both man and bird and beast S. T. Coleridge : being the two : affecting or involving the one and the other both feet both his eyes both these armies present tense third-person singular of bother 1 as in disturbs to thrust oneself upon (another) without invitation I am never going to get this work done if people don't stop wandering into the room and bothering me -
disturbs -
worries -
annoys -
pesters -
bugs -
harasses -
provokes -
irritates -
angers -
troubles -
torments -
irks -
aggravates -
exasperates -
chivvies -
vexes -
infuriates -
chivies -
rankles -
riles -
bedevils -
gets -
plagues -
dogs -
inconveniences -
gnaws -
chafes -
invades -
afflicts -
piques -
distresses -
enrages -
besets -
intrudes (upon) -
persecutes -
grates -
peeves -
hassles -
galls -
devils -
antagonizes -
agitates -
frets -
roils -
perturbs -
outrages -
inflames -
puts out -
maddens -
nettles -
obtrudes -
besieges -
duns -
encroaches -
incenses -
beleaguers -
infringes -
rasps -
trespasses -
enflames -
butts in -
cuts in (on) -
ignores -
forgets -
disregards -
leaves -
pleases -
obliges -
satisfies -
disarms -
appeases -
placates -
delights -
gratifies -
gladdens -
mollifies -
slights -
contents -
conciliates -
comforts -
consoles See More 2 as in annoys to disturb the peace of mind of (someone) especially by repeated disagreeable acts it bothers me when obviously sick people go to movies and spend the whole time coughing and sneezing -
annoys -
irritates -
bugs -
persecutes -
aggravates -
gets -
irks -
infuriates -
angers -
exasperates -
eats -
vexes -
grates -
riles -
worries -
provokes -
plagues -
chafes -
itches -
piques -
teases -
offends -
peeves -
gripes -
spites -
gets to -
galls -
enrages -
ruffles -
frosts -
wears on -
insults -
harasses -
narks -
puts out -
upsets -
nettles -
nags -
unsettles -
rasps -
agitates -
gets on one's nerves -
gets one's goat -
burns (up) -
rubs the wrong way -
pesters -
sets one's teeth on edge -
sticks in one's craw -
hassles -
inflames -
rankles -
outrages -
rouses -
hacks (off) -
antagonizes -
heckles -
distresses -
harries -
perturbs -
badgers -
maddens -
devils -
undoes -
disquiets -
unhinges -
roils -
discomforts -
incenses -
enflames -
baits -
affronts -
exercises -
frets -
hagrides -
ballyrags -
bullyrags -
miffs -
discomposes -
freaks (out) -
pleases -
obliges -
appeases -
placates -
satisfies -
delights -
mollifies -
assures -
gratifies -
reassures -
pacifies -
gladdens -
soothes -
propitiates -
conciliates -
contents -
cheers -
quiets -
comforts -
consoles -
solaces See More 3 as in worries to experience concern or anxiety just get the basic concept right and don't bother about the details -
worries -
troubles -
fears -
stresses -
frets -
fusses -
cares a hang -
gives a hang -
sweats -
longs -
yearns -
stews -
agonizes -
sweats blood -
chafes -
pines -
despairs -
accepts -
takes -
tolerates -
sustains -
endures -
bears -
sticks out -
abides -
stomachs See More 4 as in distracts to trouble the mind of; to make uneasy the boss's cryptic message about changes to the company bothered me -
disturbs -
distracts -
concerns -
worries -
alarms -
angers -
annoys -
unsettles -
agitates -
irritates -
distresses -
upsets -
haunts -
plagues -
confuses -
perturbs -
dismays -
embarrasses -
ails -
derails -
undoes -
fusses -
disquiets -
unhinges -
discomforts -
aggravates -
irks -
rattles -
exasperates -
frazzles -
exercises -
discomposes -
distempers -
vexes -
harasses -
discourages -
flurries -
pesters -
riles -
weirds out -
chafes -
gets -
bugs -
hagrides -
piques -
bedevils -
harries -
flusters -
grates -
peeves -
freaks (out) -
alarums -
galls -
disconcerts -
confounds -
mortifies -
unnerves -
puts off -
fazes -
puts out -
discomfits -
nettles -
frets -
chivvies -
disheartens -
chivies -
daunts -
dispirits -
demoralizes -
shakes up -
discountenances -
jars -
abashes -
nonpluses -
nonplusses -
soothes -
calms -
settles -
quiets -
alleviates -
composes -
allays -
assuages -
appeases -
placates -
mollifies -
tranquilizes -
pacifies -
tranquillizes -
conciliates -
propitiates See More plural of bother 1 as in stirs a state of noisy, confused activity the whole household was in a bother, as our overnight guests were expected to arrive any minute -
stirs -
fusses -
disturbances -
commotions -
clutters -
noises -
clatters -
turmoils -
fun -
storms -
blathers -
bustles -
hurricanes -
rackets -
pothers -
rows -
ballyhoos -
furores -
hubbubs -
furors -
zoos -
rumpuses -
whirls -
shindies -
roars -
coils -
shindys -
ados -
williwaws -
alarums and excursions -
bluster -
pandemoniums -
hoo-hahs -
ruckuses -
hullabaloos -
hurlies -
ructions -
moils -
splores -
squalls -
foofaraws -
uproars -
helter-skelters -
kerfuffles -
welters -
tumults -
hurry-skurries -
corroborees -
clamors -
hurly-burlies -
hurry-scurries -
howls -
hoo-has -
bobberies -
hooplas -
hubble-bubbles -
do's -
flurries -
stews -
disorders -
outcries -
upheavals -
flutters -
frays -
dos -
dins -
eruptions -
to-dos -
cacophonies -
outbreaks -
brawls -
dithers -
outbursts -
scuffles -
lathers -
frets -
hassles -
fracas -
fevers -
hue and cries -
fracases -
melees -
tizzies -
mêlées -
flare-ups -
calms -
rests -
quiets -
hushes -
tranquilities -
tranquillities -
peaces -
quietudes -
orders See More 2 as in annoyers one who is obnoxiously annoying the woman next-door is such a bother—always dropping in at the most inopportune moments! -
annoyers -
nuisances -
teases -
annoyances -
pests -
pains -
gnawers -
gadflies -
headaches -
plagues -
nudnicks -
nudniks -
persecutors -
interruptors -
teasers -
pains in the neck -
hecklers -
interrupters -
harriers -
hassles -
harassers -
torturers -
molesters -
tormenters -
tormentors -
charmers -
smoothies -
comforters -
soothers -
solacers 3 as in headaches something that is a source of irritation returning damaged goods is a real bother -
headaches -
worries -
irks -
frustrations -
thorns -
nuisances -
problems -
rubs -
irritants -
inconveniences -
annoyances -
peeves -
bugbears -
ruffles -
pests -
botherations -
insults -
vexations -
aggravations -
hassles -
hair shirts -
upsets -
troubles -
aggros -
trials -
exasperations -
plagues -
menaces -
anxieties -
discomforts -
curses -
affronts -
burdens -
pinpricks -
annoyers -
crosses -
predicaments -
offenders -
sores -
disturbers -
plights -
pet peeves -
albatross -
fleabites -
offences -
tribulations -
millstones -
offenses -
harassers -
mischiefs -
hang-ups -
albatrosses -
afflictions -
pandora's boxes 4 as in frustrations the feeling of impatience or anger caused by another's repeated disagreeable acts never let his personal bothers interfere with his responsibilities at work -
frustrations -
angers -
irritations -
griefs -
displeasures -
exasperations -
annoyances -
upsets -
troubles -
distresses -
discomforts -
botherations -
aggravations -
vexations -
outrages -
pips -
agitations -
piques -
irritabilities -
indignations -
aggros -
pets -
galls -
perturbations -
chafes -
disturbances -
peeves -
resentments -
ires -
danders -
huffs -
dudgeons -
umbrages |