释义 |
1 : having surface indentations produced or appearing to have been produced by hammering hammered copper slang as in drunk being under the influence of alcohol He turned down another beer to avoid getting hammered. -
drunk -
drunken -
fried -
bombed -
plastered -
wet -
wasted -
impaired -
smashed -
gassed -
ripped -
loaded -
blasted -
tanked -
lit -
blind -
sloshed -
blitzed -
stewed -
stoned -
crocked -
looped -
juiced -
oiled -
pickled -
stiff -
tipsy -
inebriated -
intoxicated -
soused -
besotted -
tight -
potted -
high -
blotto -
boozy -
canned -
squiffed -
sozzled -
inebriate -
under the influence -
cockeyed -
stinking -
lit up -
squiffy -
wiped out -
three sheets to the wind -
tiddly -
alcoholic -
under the weather -
pie-eyed -
three sheets in the wind -
sottish -
in the bag -
in one's cups -
maudlin -
strung out -
rocky -
befuddled -
dissipated -
stupefied -
dopey -
beery -
debauched -
crapulous -
dissolute -
bleary-eyed -
dipsomaniacal -
dopy -
bibulous -
straight -
sober -
dry -
steady -
temperate -
cool -
level -
abstemious -
teetotal -
abstinent -
clearheaded See More past tense of hammer 1 as in pounded to shape with a hammer medieval artisans hammered brass into various bowls and trays, which they then embossed with elaborate designs -
pounded -
drew -
forged -
carved -
fashioned -
stamped -
molded -
beat -
cut -
chased -
worked -
formed -
wrought -
modeled -
sculpted -
patted -
planished -
kneaded -
chiseled -
hewed -
minted -
sculptured -
coined -
boasted -
modelled -
graved -
chiselled -
knapped -
abated 2 as in smacked to deliver a blow to (someone or something) usually in a strong vigorous manner hammer a nail hammered the ball for a home run -
smacked -
knocked -
slapped -
hit -
banged -
slammed -
punched -
pounded -
struck -
whacked -
clapped -
clipped -
cracked -
swiped -
thumped -
nailed -
bashed -
batted -
kicked -
clobbered -
tapped -
pushed -
socked -
poked -
bludgeoned -
slugged -
rapped -
jabbed -
walloped -
shoved -
licked -
bobbed -
swatted -
clocked -
bopped -
boxed -
pasted -
busted -
chopped -
thwacked -
stabbed -
zapped -
flicked -
belted -
whaled -
smote -
bumped -
pummeled -
clouted -
biffed -
battered -
bonked -
slogged -
tagged -
stroked -
lashed -
bust -
mauled -
beat -
stamped -
buffeted -
roughed -
peppered -
mangled -
slashed -
pummelled -
laced -
pelted -
whipped -
bunged -
dumped -
lambasted -
clapt -
butted -
cuffed -
scuffed -
prodded -
thrashed -
decked -
speared -
jostled -
hung one on -
creamed -
drubbed -
clubbed -
sledgehammered -
felled -
floored -
bunted -
flogged -
pommeled -
kneed -
caned -
sapped -
switched -
flailed -
pommelled -
skulled -
conked -
leveled -
beaned -
knocked down -
sledged -
sucker punched -
brained -
levelled -
cudgelled -
cudgeled -
rabbit-punched -
bowled (down or over) 3 as in lashed to strike repeatedly tried hammering the door to wake them up the crops were hammered with hail -
pounded -
lashed -
licked -
whipped -
battered -
pelted -
knocked -
slapped -
thumped -
punched -
hit -
slammed -
smashed -
beat -
attacked -
pummeled -
spanked -
batted -
bashed -
mauled -
did -
thrashed -
smacked -
assaulted -
whacked -
bludgeoned -
chopped -
buffeted -
walloped -
clubbed -
hided -
pummelled -
flogged -
laced -
lathered -
lambasted -
raided -
belted -
paddled -
switched -
whupped -
tanned -
whaled -
boxed -
punched out -
slated -
whopped -
curried -
stormed -
swiped -
worked over -
belabored -
birched -
slogged -
drubbed -
tromped -
clobbered -
whapped -
cracked -
threshed -
fibbed -
basted -
pommeled -
socked -
wounded -
pommelled -
pasted -
swatted -
beat up on -
rushed -
assailed -
thwacked -
busted -
bunged up -
strapped -
cuffed -
leathered -
caned -
clouted -
beset -
laid on -
roughed (up) -
scourged -
whomped -
lacerated -
whammed -
lammed -
flagellated -
horsewhipped -
cudgelled -
mangled -
bust -
gored -
cudgeled -
messed (up) -
mutilated -
blackjacked -
maimed -
cowhided -
rawhided -
pistol-whipped -
fustigated -
descended (on or upon) -
jumped (on) -
pounced (on or upon) 4 as in scolded to criticize (someone) severely or angrily especially for personal failings the critics have long been hammering the stage actress for resorting to the same mixed bag of mannerisms over and over -
scolded -
lectured -
reprimanded -
blamed -
criticized -
berated -
ragged -
attacked -
flayed -
chastised -
mocked -
upbraided -
chewed out -
admonished -
lambasted -
scored -
jawed -
rebuked -
laid into -
bawled out -
slammed -
lashed -
castigated -
keelhauled -
dressed down -
called down -
faulted -
knocked -
blasted -
rated -
basted -
reproached -
tongue-lashed -
crucified -
panned -
assailed -
condemned -
harangued -
reamed (out) -
excoriated -
denounced -
scourged -
abused -
ridiculed -
reviled -
read the riot act (to) -
disparaged -
belittled -
railed (at or against) -
ranted (at) -
chided -
took to task -
censured -
chid -
reproved -
vituperated -
reprehended -
bad-mouthed -
scoffed -
dissed -
scorned -
remonstrated (with) -
laced (into) -
put down -
approved -
sanctioned -
endorsed -
indorsed -
praised -
lauded -
extolled See More |