单词 | blasts |
释义 | blast1 of 4noun ˈblast 1 a : a violent gust of wind a cold blast of air b : the effect or accompaniment (such as sleet) of such a gust a blast of freezing rain 2 : the sound produced by an impulsion of air through a wind instrument or whistle the blast of the shofar on Rosh Hashanah the trumpet's blast 3 : something resembling a gust of wind: such as a : a stream of air or gas forced through a hole b : a vehement expression of feeling … let out a great blast of mirth … a blast of anger c : the continuous blowing to which a charge of ore or metal is subjected in a blast furnace 4 a : a sudden pernicious influence or effect got a blast of reality when she left home a blast of criticism … virtue preserved from fell destruction's blast … b botany : a disease of plants marked by the formation of destructive lesions on leaves and inflorescences 5 a : an explosion or violent detonation The blast killed eight people. a shotgun blast b : the shock wave of an explosion felt the blast from several miles away c sports : a forceful hit (as in baseball) or shot (as in soccer or golf) especially : home run 6 : speed, capacity, operation turned the water on full blast go full blast 7 : an enjoyably exciting experience, occasion, or event I had a blast. Their wedding was a blast. especially : party 8 : the sending of a message (such as a fax or an email) in multiple copies to numerous recipients at one time The campaign then sends Jane targeted messages via canvassers, phone calls, ads, and its increasingly sophisticated email blasts. —often used before another noun a blast fax blast 2 of 4verb blasted; blasting; blasts intransitive verb 1 : blare music blasting from the radio 2 : to make a vigorous attack blasting away at her opponent 3 a : to use an explosive blast through the wall b : shoot They walked in and started blasting. 4 : to hit a golf ball out of a sand trap with explosive force 5 : to proceed rapidly or aggressively blasting down the ski slope transitive verb 1 a : to injure by or as if by the action of wind young crops being blasted by the hot dry wind b : blight The entire crop was blasted by fungus. The injury blasted her dreams of winning a gold medal. 2 a : to shatter by or as if by an explosive blasting out nearly all of the building's windows b : to remove, open, or form by or as if by an explosive blast a hole through the wall … blast away these barriers to progress … c : shoot The gunman blasted him down. 3 : to attack vigorously blasting their opponents in the media 4 : to cause to blast off will blast themselves from the moon's surface 5 : to hit vigorously and effectively blasted a home run 6 : to play loudly blasting rock music on the stereo blast- 3 of 4combining form variants or blasto- : bud : budding : germ blastodisc -blast 4 of 4noun combining formˌblast : formative unit especially of living matter : germ : cell : cell layer epiblast blasts 1 of 2 noun1 as in claps a loud explosive sound a sharp blast of the horn startled the other driver Synonyms & Similar Words Relevance
2 as in blows a sudden brief rush of wind a surprise blast stole the umbrella right out of his hands Synonyms & Similar Words
3 as in explosions the act or an instance of exploding the blast destroyed the building completely Synonyms & Similar Words
Antonyms & Near Antonyms
4 as in bashes a social gathering a wild fraternity blast that lasted a whole weekend Synonyms & Similar Words
blasts 2 of 2verb1 as in smashes to cause to break open or into pieces by or as if by an explosive the highway engineers will have to blast that hill in order to put a road through here Synonyms & Similar Words
Antonyms & Near Antonyms
2 as in fires to cause (a projectile) to be driven forward with force artillery that could blast cannonballs from hundreds of yards Synonyms & Similar Words
3 as in shoots to cause a weapon to release a missile with great force the recruits were all blasting away at the target range Synonyms & Similar Words
4 as in attacks to criticize harshly and usually publicly blasted the new governor for every little misstep Synonyms & Similar Words
Antonyms & Near Antonyms
5 as in speeds to proceed or move quickly rowdy teenagers blasting down the road in a sports car Synonyms & Similar Words
Antonyms & Near Antonyms
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