

单词 blacked


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ˈblak How to pronounce black (audio)
: having the very dark color of the night sky or the eye's pupil : of the color black (see black entry 2 sense 2)
a black sweater
a black dog
as black as coal
Black or less commonly black
: of or relating to any of various population groups of especially African ancestry often considered as having dark pigmentation of the skin but in fact having a wide range of skin colors
Black Americans

Note: Capitalization of Black in this use is now widely established.

: of or relating to Black people and often especially to African American people or their culture
Black literature
a Black college
Black pride
Black studies

Note: Capitalization of Black in this use is now widely established.

: dressed in black (see black entry 2 sense 2)
playing for the black team
: dirty, soiled
hands black with grime
: characterized by the absence of light
a black night
: reflecting or transmitting little or no light
black water
: served without milk or cream
black coffee
old-fashioned + literary : thoroughly sinister or evil : wicked
When the King heard of this black deed, in his grief and rage he denounced relentless war against his Barons … Charles Dickens
: indicative of condemnation or discredit
got a black mark for being late
: heavy, serious
the play was a black intrigue
: connected with or invoking the supernatural and especially the devil
black magic
the black arts
: very sad, gloomy, or calamitous
black despair
: marked by the occurrence of disaster
black Friday
: characterized by hostility or angry discontent : sullen
black resentment filled his heart
: distorted or darkened by anger
his face was black with rage
: having dark skin, hair, and eyes
the black Irish
chiefly British : subject to boycott by trade-union members as employing or favoring nonunion workers or as operating under conditions considered unfair by the trade union
a ship that was declared black by the union
of propaganda : conducted so as to appear to originate within an enemy country and designed to weaken enemy morale
Black propaganda … is the business of going to elaborate ends to spread half-true, misleading or downright false information to get your enemy in trouble. Everett G. Martin
: characterized by or connected with the use of black propaganda
Press reports say that in addition to dropping leaflets over urban areas, messages were broadcast over two "black" radio stations, … both of which were operated by the CIA. Strategic Intelligence
: characterized by grim, distorted, or grotesque satire
black humor
: of or relating to covert intelligence operations
black government programs
: having a very deep or low register (see register entry 1 sense 4b)
a bass with a black voice
ˈbla-kish How to pronounce black (audio)
blackly adverb


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: a pigment or dye of the color black : a black pigment or dye
especially : one consisting largely of carbon
: the achromatic (see achromatic sense 3) color of least lightness characteristically perceived to belong to objects that neither reflect nor transmit light
walls painted in black
: something that is black: such as
: black clothing
looks good in black
: a black animal (such as a horse)
baseball : the narrow, black edge of home plate
a pitch on the black [=a pitch that crosses over the very edge of home plate]
Black or less commonly black
: a person belonging to any of various population groups of especially African ancestry often considered as having dark pigmentation of the skin but in fact having a wide range of skin colors

Note: Capitalization of Black in this use is now widely established.

: african american

Note: Capitalization of Black in this use is now widely established.

Note: Use of the noun Black in the singular to refer to a person is considered offensive. The plural form Blacks is still commonly used by Black people and others to refer to Black people as a group or community, but the plural form too is increasingly considered offensive, and most style guides advise writers to use Black people rather than Blacks when practical.

in board games : the pieces of a dark color in a board game for two players (such as chess)
black moves second
: total or nearly total absence of light
the black of night
: the condition of making a profit
usually used with the
operating in the black
compare red sense 6


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blacked; blacking; blacks

intransitive verb

: to become black (see black entry 1) : blacken
As she leaned against the stone cross … , the sky blacked with clouds. Hugh Coleman Davidson

transitive verb

: to make black
blacked his boots
chiefly British : to declare (something, such as a business or industry) subject to boycott by trade-union members



  • ebony
  • pitch-black
  • pitch-dark
  • pitchy
  • raven
  • sable


  • blackness
  • candlelight
  • dark
  • darkness
  • dusk
  • gloaming
  • gloom
  • murk
  • night
  • semidarkness
  • shade
  • shadows
  • twilight
  • umbra
See all Synonyms & Antonyms

Example Sentences

Adjective we adopted a little black kitten Noun The wall was painted in black. a mixture of grays and blacks She was dressed in black. Verb He blacked his boots with polish. Labor union members have blacked the company. See More
Recent Examples on the Web
As word spread, lawmakers asked each other to borrow black ties. David Luhnow, WSJ, 8 Sep. 2022 To Spriggs’ point, while the unemployment rate for white Americans is sitting at just 3.2%, some 6.4% of black or African Americans are still struggling to find work. Will Daniel, Fortune, 8 Sep. 2022 Members of the Indianapolis Fire Department Dive Team and Department of Natural Resources had located Kyle Moorman's vehicle, a black Saab, using sonar technology. The Indianapolis Star, 8 Sep. 2022 Police are looking for a male suspect with a black beard. The Enquirer, 8 Sep. 2022 Keystone oaks for the Dairy State include white, bur, swamp white, chinkapin and black. Jennifer Rude Klett, Journal Sentinel, 8 Sep. 2022 All should be eaten with plenty of black vinegar, spicy cucumber salad, and a cold Tsingtao. Mia Leimkuhler, Bon Appétit, 8 Sep. 2022 Later, police found surveillance video of that area, which showed a black GMC Terrain pass by her, according to the affidavit. Aya Elamroussi, CNN, 8 Sep. 2022 Oh, and don’t forget the black garlic home fries on the side. Amy Drew Thompson, Orlando Sentinel, 8 Sep. 2022
Princess Eugenie marked the occasion with a sweet black-and-white photo posted to Instagram, along with a caption of three blue hearts. Stephanie Petit, Peoplemag, 9 Sep. 2022 He was flanked by a classy black-and-white photo of a flailing Jello Biafra. WIRED, 3 Sep. 2022 The Gosneys were intrigued by JonBenet’s black-and-white costumes (most pageant dresses are in vibrant colors) and asked Patsy about her dressmaker. Good Housekeeping, 3 Sep. 2022 Images released by Taliban media show fighters marching in Western-style uniforms, followed by columns of armored vehicles bearing the group’s black-and-white flag moving down one of the main runways. Susannah George, Washington Post, 31 Aug. 2022 Images released by Taliban media show fighters marching in Western-style uniforms, followed by columns of armored vehicles bearing the group's black-and-white flag moving down one of the main runways. Susannah George, BostonGlobe.com, 31 Aug. 2022 In the black-and-white photo, which serves as the podcast's cover art, Meghan poses against a gray backdrop while wearing a white ribbed tank top. Chelsey Sanchez, Harper's BAZAAR, 23 Aug. 2022 The Houston rapper then uploaded her new album’s black-and-white cover art and tracklist. Thania Garcia, Variety, 11 Aug. 2022 The accompanying black-and-white video was directed by group member Omar Rodriguez Lopez. Jonathan Cohen, SPIN, 5 Aug. 2022
When the pandemic hit the US in March 2020, concert halls fell silent, stages faded to black and livelihoods hung in the balance. William Deshazer For Cnn, CNN, 7 May 2022 Tate realizes the shell in Kya's notebook is Chase's, and like in the book, throws the shell into the water to hide the evidence before the film fades to black. Patrick Ryan, USA TODAY, 16 July 2022 But as the show fades to black, the Byrdes are in surprisingly good shape. Michael Schneider, Variety, 31 May 2022 Elegantly edited in segments that fade to black as the ice thaws between the siblings, there’s an air of timelessness. Carlos Aguilar, Los Angeles Times, 12 May 2022 The charcoal-gray dial, which fades to black at the rim, has a grainy texture deliberately reminiscent of antique camera cases. Alex Doak, CNN, 11 Apr. 2022 The video fades to black and the title Harry’s House is revealed. Izzy Colón, SPIN, 23 Mar. 2022 The giant white ball of light at the top of the dome slowly faded to black. New York Times, 18 Mar. 2022 In fact, each Nopalera bath soap is shaped like a nopal paddle, ranging in scents from the pink Flor de Mayo to black Noche Clara. Kristin Scharkey, Sunset Magazine, 16 Mar. 2022 See More

Word History


Adjective, Noun, and Verb

Middle English blak, from Old English blæc; akin to Old High German blah black, and probably to Latin flagrare to burn, Greek phlegein

First Known Use


before the 12th century, in the meaning defined at sense 1


before the 12th century, in the meaning defined at sense 1


13th century, in the meaning defined at intransitive sense

Kids Definition

black 1 of 3


ˈblak How to pronounce black (audio)
blacker; blackest
: of the color of coal : colored black
: very dark
a black night
often capitalized : of or relating to any of various groups of people having dark pigmentation of the skin
often capitalized : of or relating to African-American people or culture
: very sad or gloomy
in a black mood
: unfriendly sense 1
a black look
: wicked sense 1
a black deed


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: the color of coal : the opposite of white
: black clothing
He is dressed in black.
: a person belonging to a group of people having dark skin
used in pl.
Hint: Black is considered offensive when used as a singular noun referring to a person.
: an American having black African ancestors : african-american
used in pl.
Hint: Black is considered offensive when used as a singular noun referring to a person.
: total or near total darkness
the black of night
: the condition of making a profit
The company is in the black.


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blacked; blacking
: blacken sense 1

Geographical Definition


geographical name

river 101 miles (162 kilometers) long in east central Louisiana flowing south into the Red River
or in China Amo
ˈä-ˈmō How to pronounce Black (audio)
or in Vietnam Da
ˈdä How to pronounce Black (audio)
river 500 miles (805 kilometers) long in southeastern Asia rising in central Yunnan, China, and flowing southeast to the Red River in northern Vietnam

Biographical Definition

Black 1 of 2

biographical name (1)

ˈblak How to pronounce Black (audio)
Hugo LaFayette 1886–1971 American jurist and politician


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biographical name (2)

Sir James Whyte 1924–2010 British pharmacologist



past tense of black, chiefly British
as in blackballed

Synonyms & Similar Words

  • blackballed
  • boycotted

Antonyms & Near Antonyms

  • traded
  • dealt
  • trafficked
  • negotiated
  • swapped
  • bartered
  • bargained
  • resold
  • auctioned
  • exchanged
  • transacted
  • horse-traded
  • merchandised
  • merchandized
  • rebought
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