Recent Examples on the WebCarmen long ago sang the habanera and drew her last breath, Aladdin has rolled up his magic carpet until next time. Peter Dobrin,, 12 July 2018 The acts represent various Catalan musical traditions, including Catalan rumba, which is derived from flamenco music, and habanera, a form that curators say is experiencing a revival after years of decline. Max Kutner, Smithsonian, 27 June 2018 The music in tango, inspired by African candombe dance, Cuban habanera and Spanish guitars, later evolved to include violins, the accordion, piano, bass, and flute. Kristin Braswell, ELLE Decor, 19 Mar. 2018 Sullivan Fortner, from New Orleans, and Chano Domínguez, from Spain, both played habaneras beautifully. Brian Seibert, New York Times, 5 Mar. 2018