单词 | gather |
释义 | gather1 of 2verb gath·er ˈga-t͟hər also ˈge- gathered; gathering ˈga-t͟hə-riŋ ˈgat͟h- transitive verb 1 : to bring together : collect tried to gather a crowd gathered firewood 2 a : pick, harvest gather flowers b : to pick up or amass as if by harvesting gathering ideas for the project c : to scoop up or take up from a resting place gathered the child up in his arms 3 : to serve as an attraction for : accumulate books gathering dust 4 : to effect the collection of gather contributions 5 a : to summon up gathered his courage b : to gain by gradual increase gather speed c : to prepare (oneself) by mustering strength d : to gain or regain control of gathered his wits 6 : to reach a conclusion often intuitively from hints or through inferences I gather that you want to leave 7 a : to pull (fabric) along a line of stitching so as to draw into puckers b : to draw about or close to something gathering her cloak about her c : to bring together the parts of gathered her hair into a ponytail d : to assemble (the signatures of a book) in sequence for binding e : to haul in the sailors gathered the sails intransitive verb 1 a : to come together in a body b : to cluster around a focus of attraction 2 a : to swell and fill with pus b : grow, increase the gathering crisis gatherer ˈga-t͟hər-ər noun also ˈge- gather 2 of 2noun1 : something brought together: such as a : a puckering in cloth made by gathering (see gather entry 1 sense 7a) b : a mass of molten glass collected for use in glassblowing 2 : an act or instance of bringing together gather verb1 as in to collect to bring together in one body or place he gathered the leftovers from the table and gave them to the dog let's gather the students and have them line up on the playground before going in from recess Synonyms & Similar Words Relevance
Antonyms & Near Antonyms
2 as in to harvest to catch or collect (a crop or natural resource) for human use late summer is when we gather the tomatoes and begin canning them for the winter Synonyms & Similar Words
Antonyms & Near Antonyms
3 as in to assemble to come together into one body or place a crowd gathered around the street musician ask the faculty to gather in the lounge for the meeting Synonyms & Similar Words
Antonyms & Near Antonyms
4 as in to derive to form an opinion or reach a conclusion through reasoning and information I gather that, since you are back so early, she didn't want to see you? Synonyms & Similar Words
5 as in to accumulate to gradually form into a layer, pile, or mass the newspapers that had been allowed to gather on the front doorstep told thieves that the family was away on vacation Synonyms & Similar Words
Antonyms & Near Antonyms
6 as in to gain to gradually increase in the movement gathered force as election day neared Synonyms & Similar Words
Antonyms & Near Antonyms
7 as in to summon to call into being through the use of one's inner resources or powers gathered the strength to finish the marathon Synonyms & Similar Words
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