Recent Examples on the WebTo get to iron oxide, G. sulfurreducens and other Geobacter species do something very curious: sprout wire-like tendrils called pili (pilus for one). Miriam Fauzia, Popular Mechanics, 15 Aug. 2022 Cliffs streaked red with iron oxide pop against the dark green firs and the iridescent purple and blue mountains in the distance. Julie Jag, The Salt Lake Tribune, 8 Aug. 2022 True Pigments is not the first to extract iron oxide pigments from pollution. Chelsea Lee, CNN, 2 Aug. 2022 Because the bones were surrounded by iron objects that had corroded during their time in the ocean, all the bones were stained an amber red from iron oxide. Jennifer Ouellette, Ars Technica, 23 June 2022 Evidence for tiny fossil-like structures, which are made of hematite, a form of iron oxide or rust, and encased in quartz, were found filaments and tubes, the authors note. Bruce Dorminey, Forbes, 18 Apr. 2022 The area gets its name from the reddish tint created by iron oxide deposits. Michael Goldstein, Forbes, 23 Apr. 2022 Ancient mine gets the shaft Even very important resources, like the iron oxide mine at San Ramón, were abandoned. Kiona N. Smith, Ars Technica, 7 Apr. 2022 But these liners are not made of traditional kohl's iron oxide pigments (with their signature black, red, and yellow tones). Stephanie Gonot, Allure, 20 Mar. 2022 See More