释义 |
transitive verb : to give life and energy to : animate also : stimulate sense 1 invigoration in-ˌvi-gə-ˈrā-shən noun invigorator in-ˈvi-gə-ˌrā-tər noun present tense third-person singular of invigorate as in stimulates to give life, vigor, or spirit to the fresh air and sunshine invigorated the children after a long winter indoors -
stimulates -
arouses -
energizes -
animates -
enlivens -
stirs -
vitalizes -
excites -
electrifies -
vivifies -
awakens -
provokes -
inspires -
quickens -
activates -
revives -
motivates -
strengthens -
cheers -
drives -
lifts -
jump-starts -
propels -
recreates -
awakes -
sparks -
fires -
spikes -
triggers -
boosts -
fillips -
refreshes -
motives -
raises -
rouses -
braces -
charges -
impels -
galvanizes -
peps (up) -
resurrects -
renews -
rallies -
zips (up) -
moves -
jazzes (up) -
gingers (up) -
rejuvenates -
reinvigorates -
actuates -
infuses -
juices up -
amps (up) -
incites -
revitalizes -
emboldens -
fortifies -
inflames -
heartens -
livens (up) -
foments -
kindles -
instigates -
regenerates -
reactivates -
reawakens -
rekindles -
ferments -
abets -
reenergizes -
enkindles -
recharges -
buoys -
sets off -
resuscitates -
reanimates -
enflames -
turns on -
wakes (up) -
steels -
restimulates -
whips (up) -
reawakes -
refreshens -
deadens -
dulls -
dampens -
kills -
undermines -
weakens -
damps -
debilitates -
enervates -
wears -
saps -
exhausts -
slows -
drains -
wearies -
inhibits -
enfeebles -
harasses -
restrains -
suppresses -
fatigues -
quenches -
wears out -
curbs -
knocks out -
represses -
burns out -
discourages -
quells -
washes out -
checks -
disheartens -
demoralizes -
stunts -
fags -
daunts -
stills -
kayoes -
does in -
tuckers (out) -
jades -
dispirits See More |