释义 |
as in prolonged -
prolonged -
long-term -
circumspect -
extended -
faltering -
forethoughtful -
tentative -
foresighted -
hesitating -
hesitant -
pokey -
leisurely -
calculated -
dawdling -
slow -
unhurried -
deliberate -
calculating -
poky -
laggard -
measured -
dallying -
unrushed -
shilly-shallying -
hasty -
rushed -
hurried -
precipitous -
cursory -
headlong -
rash -
overhasty -
precipitate -
breathtaking -
flying -
breakneck -
impatient -
helter-skelter -
madcap -
pell-mell -
drive-by -
impetuous -
reckless -
impulsive -
heady -
gadarene -
hotheaded -
unadvised -
headstrong See More past participle of draw out as in extended to make longer the actor refused to draw out the interview any further -
extended -
dragged (out) -
prolonged -
increased -
expanded -
protracted -
lengthened -
elongated -
stretched -
outstretched -
attenuated -
amplified -
thinned -
enlarged -
cut -
reduced -
shortened -
decreased -
cut back -
abbreviated -
curtailed -
abridged -
diminished -
lessened -
thickened See More |