释义 |
transitive verb : to end the observance or effect of (something, such as a law) : to completely do away with (something) : annul abolish a law abolish slavery abolishable ə-ˈbä-li-shə-bəl adjective abolishment ə-ˈbä-lish-mənt noun 1 as in to repeal to put an end to by formal action the U.S. abolished slavery by constitutional amendment on December 6, 1865 -
repeal -
cancel -
overturn -
abrogate -
avoid -
nullify -
annul -
rescind -
invalidate -
dissolve -
vacate -
revoke -
quash -
negate -
void -
suspend -
withdraw -
eliminate -
dismiss -
abate -
roll back -
null -
strike down -
set aside -
remove -
reverse -
veto -
reject -
disannul -
retract -
overrule -
ban -
forbid -
prohibit -
override -
countermand -
eradicate -
outlaw -
erase -
enjoin -
abort -
disallow -
annihilate -
do away with -
recall -
liquidate -
call off -
call -
drop -
throw out -
write off -
break down -
enact -
establish -
legislate -
found -
institute -
lay down -
legitimate -
validate -
authorize -
permit -
ratify -
allow -
pass -
approve -
legalize -
endorse -
legitimize -
prescribe -
formalize -
order -
warrant -
clear -
sanction -
mandate -
indorse -
command -
decree See More 2 as in to eradicate to destroy all traces of if only there were a way that we could abolish hatred and intolerance -
eradicate -
erase -
destroy -
obliterate -
extirpate -
exterminate -
expunge -
annihilate -
efface -
liquidate -
cancel -
demolish -
wipe out -
dismantle -
blot out -
shatter -
black out -
kill -
decimate -
rub out -
ruin -
discard -
sweep (away) -
ravage -
dissolve -
stamp (out) -
devastate -
raze -
snuff (out) -
flatten -
clean (up) -
excise -
consume -
waste -
jettison -
total -
atomize -
expel -
tear down -
wreck -
root (out) -
terminate -
fragment -
eject -
smash -
pulverize -
zap -
oust -
ditch -
kill off -
finish -
splinter -
mow (down) -
dynamite -
dash -
powder -
devour -
doom -
blow up -
throw out -
blast -
cut -
protect -
preserve -
save -
conserve -
create -
build -
make -
construct -
form -
restore -
manufacture -
shape -
fabricate -
renew -
forge -
reconstruct -
fix -
rebuild -
repair -
frame -
patch -
mend -
renovate -
fashion -
revamp -
recondition See More |