释义 |
present tense third-person singular of intrude (upon) as in bothers to thrust oneself upon (another) without invitation a man with an opinion on everything, he doesn't hesitate to intrude upon whoever happens to be standing by -
bothers -
bugs -
worries -
disturbs -
annoys -
chivvies -
chivies -
troubles -
provokes -
torments -
puts out -
harasses -
pesters -
dogs -
irritates -
aggravates -
inconveniences -
gnaws -
plagues -
devils -
irks -
invades -
nettles -
angers -
butts in -
exasperates -
gets -
distresses -
hassles -
peeves -
outrages -
persecutes -
obtrudes -
grates -
beleaguers -
rasps -
antagonizes -
infuriates -
bedevils -
piques -
afflicts -
riles -
chafes -
galls -
duns -
frets -
besets -
enrages -
roils -
vexes -
trespasses -
cuts in (on) -
encroaches -
besieges -
rankles -
infringes -
perturbs -
agitates -
maddens -
inflames -
incenses -
enflames -
leaves -
ignores -
disregards -
forgets -
satisfies -
disarms -
contents -
delights -
obliges -
gratifies -
pleases -
conciliates -
appeases -
mollifies -
comforts -
placates -
slights -
consoles -
gladdens See More |