

attendment attend the birth attend to attend to someone attend to something
attentat attention attentional attention deficit disorder attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
attention-grabbing attentions attention-seeking attention span attentive
attentively attentiveness attenuant attenuate attenuated
attenuating circumstances attenuation attenuator attercop attest
attestable attestant attestation attestative attestator
attested attested form attested herd attester attestor
att-gen att. gen. at that at that instant at that moment
at that point at the age of 20 (at) the appointed time/hour at the back (of) at the back of one's mind
at-the-back-of-ones-mind at the baker's at the beck and call of at the beginning at the beginning/end of july
at the best of times at the bottom of at-the-bottom-of-something at the bottom of sth at-the-bottom-of-the-heap
at the bottom of the heap at the top of the heap at the bottom of the pile at-the-bottom-of-the-pile at the bus stop at the coalface
at the controls at the cost of at the crack of dawn at the cutting edge at the cutting edge of sth
at the discretion of sb at the discretion of someone at the double at the double/on the double at-the-double-on-the-double
at the drop of a hat at the earliest at the earliest opportunity at the eleventh hour at the end of august
at the end of one's tether at-the-end-of-ones-tether at the end of the day acrosome reaction acrospire
across across at/to a cross between sth and sth across country across from
across the board across-the-board across the way a cross to bear a-cross-to-bear
acrostic acrostical acrostically acroter acroteria
acroterial acroterion acroterium acrotic acrotism
a cry for help a-crying-need-for-something a crying need for sth a crying shame acrylamide
acrylate acrylic acrylic acid acrylic color acrylic fiber
acrylic fibre acrylic painting acrylic resin acrylonitrile acrylyl
a crystal ball acs acsw act acta
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