any of several plants of the genus Ranunculus, such as R. sceleratus and R. aquatilis (water crowfoot) that have yellow or white flowers and divided leaves resembling the foot of a crow
See also buttercup
any of various other plants that have leaves or other parts resembling a bird's foot
3. Word forms: plural-feet nautical
a bridle-like arrangement of lines rove through a wooden block or attached to a ring for supporting an awning from above
4. Word forms: plural-feet military another name for caltrop
crowfoot in American English
nounWord forms: pluralˈcrowˌfoots or ˈcrowˌfeet
any of a number of plants of the buttercup family, characterized by simple or variously lobed leaves somewhat resembling a crow's foot, esp. any of a genus (Ranunculus) of chiefly yellow-flowered plants
caltrop (sense 1)
3. Nautical
an arrangement of cords run through a block pulley to suspend an awning, etc.