It is 2000 times faster than the human monosynaptic reflex or what's commonly referredto as the knee-jerk reaction.
Examples of 'monosynaptic' in a sentence
However, in order to reach subcortical targets, intact monosynaptic connections are required.
Tonisha E. Kearney-Ramos, Daniel H. Lench, Michaela Hoffman, Brittany Correia, LoganT. Dowdle, Colleen A. Hanlon 2018, 'Gray and white matter integrity influence TMS signal propagation: a multimodal evaluationin cocaine-dependent individuals', Scientific Reports Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
These command neurons have direct monosynaptic connections with spinal interneurons and motoneurons.
Robert M. Brownstone, Jeremy W. Chopek 2018, 'Reticulospinal Systems for Tuning Motor Commands', Frontiers in Neural Circuits Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
We compared monosynaptic excitatory and inhibitory spike transmission probabilities using pairwise cross-correlogram analysis.
Jeannette A Vizuete, Siveshigan ePillay, Kamran eDiba, Kristina M Ropella, AnthonyG Hudetz 2012, 'Monosynaptic functional connectivity in cerebral cortex during wakefulness and undergraded levels of anesthesia', Frontiers in Integrative Neuroscience Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
Monosynaptic inputs have short latencies, rapid rise times and underlie first spike latencies.
Shobhana eSivaramakrishnan, Jason eSanchez, Calum eGrimsley 2013, 'High concentrations of divalent cations isolate monosynaptic inputs from local circuitsin the auditory midbrain', Frontiers in Neural Circuits Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
Therefore, we explore the space describing the blending of the monosynaptic reflex pathway gains.
Christian Schumacher, André Seyfarth 2017, 'Sensor-Motor Maps for Describing Linear Reflex Composition in Hopping', Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
A novel genetically modified variant now enables the investigation of specific monosynaptic connections.
Melanie eGinger, Melanie eGinger, Matthias eHaberl, Matthias eHaberl, Matthias eHaberl,Karl-Klaus eConzelmann, Martin K Schwarz, Andreas eFrick, Andreas eFrick 2013, 'Revealing the secrets of neuronal circuits with recombinant rabies virus technology',Frontiers in Neural Circuits Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
Furthermore, globular cells likely received excitatory monosynaptic inputs through mossy fibers.
Moritoshi Hirono, Fumihito Saitow, Moeko Kudo, Hidenori Suzuki, Yuchio Yanagawa, MasahisaYamada, Soichi Nagao, Shiro Konishi, Kunihiko Obata 2012, 'Cerebellar Globular Cells Receive Monoaminergic Excitation and Monosynaptic Inhibitionfrom Purkinje Cells', PLoS ONE10.1371/journal.pone.0029663. Retrieved from PLOS CC BY 4.0 (
Population analysis revealed that noise correlation values were stable well beyond the estimated decline in monosynaptic connectivity (~250–300 microns).
Brian B. Jeon, Alex D. Swain, Jeffrey T. Good, Steven M. Chase, Sandra J. Kuhlman 2018, 'Feature selectivity is stable in primary visual cortex across a range of spatial frequencies',Scientific Reports Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
The entorhinal neurons were classified as principal neurons and interneurons based on monosynaptic interactions and wave-shapes.
Kenji Mizuseki, Kamran Diba, Eva Pastalkova, Jeff Teeters, Anton Sirota, György Buzsáki 2014, 'Neurosharing: large-scale data sets (spike, LFP) recorded from the hippocampal-entorhinalsystem in behaving rats [v2; ref status: indexed,]', F1000Research Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of muscle stretching on monosynaptic spinal reflex in non-stretched muscles.
Yohei Masugi, Hiroki Obata, Daisuke Inoue, Noritaka Kawashima, Kimitaka Nakazawa 2017, 'Neural effects of muscle stretching on the spinal reflexes in multiple lower-limbmuscles.', PLoS ONE Retrieved from PLOS CC BY 4.0 (