a fishing port and resort in NE England, in North Yorkshire on the North Sea: developed as a spa after 1660; ruined 12th-century castle. Pop: 38 364 (2001)
Scarborough in American English
(ˈskɑrˌbɜroʊ; ˈskɑrˌbɜrə; ˈskɑrbərə)
city & seaside resort in NE England, in North Yorkshire: county district pop. 106,000
city in SE Ontario, Canada: part of metropolitan Toronto: pop. 559,000
Word origin
OE Scartheborc < ON Skarthaborg < Skarthi (lit., harelip, nickname of Thorgils, Norw founder of the town, c. 966) + -borg; akin to OE burg, borough