The BBC is a British organization which broadcasts programmes on radio and television. BBC is an abbreviation for 'British Broadcasting Corporation'.
The concert will be broadcast live by the BBC.
...the BBC correspondent in Tunis.
2. noun, in names
BBC is used to refer to television channels and radio stations that are run by the BBC.
He begins his new series on BBC 2 at 9pm on Thursday.
...BBC Radio Scotland.
BBC in British English
abbreviation for
British Broadcasting Corporation
British Broadcasting Corporation in British English
(ˈbrɪtɪʃ ˈbrɔːdˌkɑːstɪŋ ˌkɔːpəˈreɪʃən)
the full name of the BBC, the official public broadcasting organization in the UK, which is funded by licence fees paid by everyone who uses a television receiver