Over the years they had been through a lot of crises together, and she loved him dearly.
Harcourt, Palma DOUBLE DECEIT (2002)
I stabilized myself in the back of a cab and breathed back crises and counted palm trees.
Robert Wilson BLOOD IS DIRT (2002)
As always her strict régime was interspersed with family crises.
Mosco, Maisie OUT OF THE ASHES (2002)
All related terms of 'crises'
a crucial stage or turning point in the course of something, esp in a sequence of events or a disease
A crisis is a situation in which something or someone is affected by one or more very serious problems .
debt crisis
a situation in which the large debts owed by a number of individuals , organizations or countries threaten to overwhelm them, so that they become unable to service their debts which, in turn , may threaten the stability of larger structures
energy crisis
a shortfall in or interruption to the provision of energy supplies
climate crisis
a situation of imminent environmental catastrophe brought about by climate change
identity crisis
a state in which a person experiences uncertainty about who they really are and their proper role in life
midlife crisis
A midlife crisis is a period of doubt and anxiety that some people experience in middle age, when they think about whether their life is the kind of life that they want .
quarterlife crisis
a crisis that may be experienced in one's twenties , involving anxiety over the direction and quality of one's life
crisis theology
a neoorthodox theology , advocated by Karl Barth and others, emphasizing the absolute necessity of faith and divine revelation in transcending the personal crisis , common to all humankind , that arises from the contradictions inherent in human nature and in the social order