plant tissue with large air-filled spaces, which is typical of aquatic plants and allows air to reach waterlogged parts
Word origin
C19: from aer(o)- + Greek enkhuma infusion
Examples of 'aerenchyma' in a sentence
A greater capacity to develop aerenchyma was also observed in the last selection cycles.
Fabricio José Pereira, Paulo César Magalhães, Thiago Corrêa de Souza, Evaristo Maurode Castro, José Donizeti Alves 2010, 'Atividade do sistema antioxidante e desenvolvimento de aerênquima em raízes de milho'Saracura' Antioxidant system activity and aerenchyma formation in 'Saracura' maizeroots', Pesquisa Agropecuária Brasileira Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
Previous studies have shown that waterlogging/ hypoxic conditions induce aerenchyma formation to facilitate gas exchange.
Xi-Lu Ni, Xi-Lu Ni, Xi-Lu Ni, Meng-Yuan Gui, Ling-Ling Tan, Qiang Zhu, Wen-Zhe Liu,Chang-Xiao Li 2019, 'Programmed Cell Death and Aerenchyma Formation in Water-Logged Sunflower Stems andIts Promotion by Ethylene and ROS', Frontiers in Plant Science Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
Waterlogging-susceptible crops including barley start to form aerenchyma after suffering waterlogging stress.
Katsuhiro Shiono, Masato Ejiri, Kana Shimizu, Sumiyo Yamada 2019, 'Improved waterlogging tolerance of barley (Hordeum vulgare) by pretreatment with ethephon',Plant Production Science Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
This was associated with the presence of aerenchyma found in the advanced development stages.
Cláudio José Freixieiro Alves de Brito, Roberto Antonio Rodella, Francisco CarlosDeschamps, Yedo Alquini 1999, 'Anatomia quantitativa e degradação in vitro de tecidos em cultivares de capim-elefante(Pennisetum purpureum Schumach.) Quantitative anatomy and in vitro tissue degradationin elephant grass (Pennisetum purpureum Schumach.) cultivars', Revista Brasileira de Zootecnia Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
The development of aerenchyma was observed in association to cellulase activity.
Bárbara França Dantas, Carlos Alberto Aragão, José Donizeti Alves 2001, 'Cálcio e o desenvolvimento de aerênquimas e atividade de celulase em plântulas demilho submetidas a hipoxia Calcium and the development of aerenchyma and celulaseactivity in corn seedlings subjected to hypoxia', Scientia Agricola Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
The presence of calcium apparently inhibited the aerenchyma development without affecting the enzymatic activity.
Bárbara França Dantas, Carlos Alberto Aragão, José Donizeti Alves 2001, 'Cálcio e o desenvolvimento de aerênquimas e atividade de celulase em plântulas demilho submetidas a hipoxia Calcium and the development of aerenchyma and celulaseactivity in corn seedlings subjected to hypoxia', Scientia Agricola Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
The sheaths, the laminas' bases and the crown did not form aerenchyma.
Filippa eManiou, Styliani N. Chorianopoulou, Dimitris L. Bouranis 2014, 'New insights into trophic aerenchyma formation strategy in maize (Zea mays L.) organsduring sulphate deprivation', Frontiers in Plant Science Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
In the midrib, the aerenchyma occurs in a single arc on the abaxial surface.
M.B.G Martins, A.L.C Caravante, B Appezzato-Da-Glória, M.K.M Soares, R.R.D Moreira,L.E Santos 2010, 'Caracterização anatômica e fitoquímica de folhas e rizomas de Hedychium coronariumJ. König (Zingiberaceae) Anatomical and phytochemical characterization of leaves andrhizomes from Hedychium coronarium J. König (Zingiberaceae)', Revista Brasileira de Plantas Medicinais Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
Contrary to upland species, rice develops aerenchyma constitutively.
Vincent Pujol, Matthias Wissuwa 2018, 'Contrasting development of lysigenous aerenchyma in two rice genotypes under phosphorusdeficiency', BMC Research Notes Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (