the practice of feeding young farm animals (esp piglets, calves, and lambs) in a sectioned-off part of their indoor environment, in order to prevent the mother from gaining access to the food
Examples of 'creep-feeding' in a sentence
The whole supplementation period in creep-feeding was 63 days, divided in three periods of21 days.
Mikael Neumann, Paulo Roberto Ost, Luiz Giovani de Pellegrini, Sávio Etiene Grasside Mello, Marco Antônio Almeida da Silva, José Laerte Nörnberg 2008, 'Utilização de leveduras vivas (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) visando à produção de cordeirosIle de France superprecoces em sistema de creep-feeding Effect of utilization of yeast(Saccharomyces cerevisiae) for feeding Ile de France lambs in creep-feeding system',Ciência Rural Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
The treatments were: supplementation in creep-feeding with protein concentrate, with energy concentrate, with energy-protein concentrate and without concentrate.
Glauco Mora Ribeiro, Wignez Henrique, Alexandre Rodrigo Mendes Fernandes, AlexandreAmstalden Moraes Sampaio, Emanuel Almeida de Oliveira, Tiago Máximo da Silva 2009, 'Efeito da suplementação sobre a digestibilidade dos nutrientes e desempenho debezerros lactentes mantidos em pastagens de Brachiaria brizantha - DOI:10.4025/actascianimsci.v32i1.4849 Effect of supplementation on nutrient digestibilityand performance of lactating calves fed with Brachiaria brizantha pastures- DOI: 10.4025/actascianimsci.v32i1.4849', Acta Scientiarum: Animal Sciences Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (