Girolamo (dʒiˈrɔːlamo). 1452–98, Italian religious and political reformer. As a Dominican prior in Florence he preached against contemporary sinfulness and moral corruption. When the Medici were expelled from the city (1494) he instituted a severely puritanical republic but lost the citizens' support after being excommunicated (1497). He was hanged and burned as a heretic
Savonarola in American English
(ˌsɑvɔnɑˈʀɔlɑ; E ˌ sævənəˈroʊlə)
Giˈrolaˌmo (dʒiˈʀɔlɑˌmɔ) 1452-98; It. monk: religious & political reformer: burned at the stake for heresy