the money that one has saved, esp in a bank or a building society
Her savings were in the Post Office Savings Bank.
Examples of 'savings' in a sentence
We've got to find substantial savings or soon none of us will have jobs.
Dobbs, Michael THE TOUCH OF INNOCENTS (2002)
The innocent guy on the street who plays the market with his savings.
Stuart Harrison BETTER THAN THIS (2002)
She was living for the time being at a small hotel in the town, gradually getting through the savings from over a year of legitimate work.
Hilton, John Buxton DISPLACED PERSON (2002)
In other languages
British English: savings /ˈseɪvɪŋz/ NOUN
Your savings are the money that you have saved, especially in a bank.
Her savings were in the bank.
American English: savings
Arabic: مُدَّخَرات
Brazilian Portuguese: economias
Chinese: 存款
Croatian: ušteđevina
Czech: úspory
Danish: opsparing
Dutch: spaargeld
European Spanish: ahorros
Finnish: säästöt
French: économies
German: Ersparnisse
Greek: οικονομίες
Italian: risparmi
Japanese: 貯金
Korean: 저축
Norwegian: sparepenger
Polish: oszczędności
European Portuguese: economias
Romanian: economii
Russian: сбережения
Latin American Spanish: ahorros
Swedish: sparmedel
Thai: เงินออม
Turkish: birikim
Ukrainian: заощадження
Vietnamese: tiền tiết kiệm
All related terms of 'savings'
A saving is a reduction in the amount of time or money that is used or needed .
cost savings
A saving is a reduction in the amount of time or money that is used or needed .
huge savings
A saving is a reduction in the amount of time or money that is used or needed .
savings bank
a bank that accepts the savings of depositors and pays interest on them
savings bond
a U.S. government bond with principal amounts up to $10,000
savings habit
A habit is something that you do often or regularly.
savings ratio
the ratio of personal savings to disposable income , esp using the difference between national figures for disposable income and consumer spending as a measure of savings
savings stamp
a stamp which can be bought (for example at a machine in a supermarket ), saved , and then redeemed against the cost of goods later (for example at Christmas )
annual savings
A saving is a reduction in the amount of time or money that is used or needed .
forced savings
a reduction in consumption that occurs when there is full employment and an abundance of loans
further savings
A saving is a reduction in the amount of time or money that is used or needed .
regular savings
Your savings are the money that you have saved , especially in a bank or a building society.
savings account
an account at a bank that accumulates interest
additional savings
A saving is a reduction in the amount of time or money that is used or needed.
efficiency savings
A saving is a reduction in the amount of time or money that is used or needed.
National Savings
a borrowing programme set up by the UK government, aimed esp at retail investors, and providing bonds , saving certificates , etc
potential savings
A saving is a reduction in the amount of time or money that is used or needed .
savings allowance
Your tax allowance is the amount of money that you are allowed to earn before you have to start paying income tax.
savings products
A product is something that is produced and sold in large quantities, often as a result of a manufacturing process.
considerable savings
A saving is a reduction in the amount of time or money that is used or needed .
savings and loan
A savings and loan association is a business where people save money to earn interest , and which lends money to savers to buy houses . Compare → building society .
savings certificate
a certificate of deposit for a specific sum of money in a savings account , esp. a deposit for a fixed term at a specified interest rate
substantial savings
A saving is a reduction in the amount of time or money that is used or needed .
US Savings bond
A US Savings bond is a long-term bond issued by the US government that is considered low-risk.
mutual savings bank
a savings bank having no subscribed capital stock and distributing all available net profit to depositors who, however, remain creditors without voting power
National Savings Bank
(in Britain) a government savings bank , run through the post office, esp for small savers
Premium Savings Bonds
(in Britain) bonds issued by the Treasury since 1956 for purchase by the public. No interest is paid but there is a monthly draw for cash prizes of various sums
Trustee Savings Bank
a British financial institution which offered savings facilities for small investors and was managed by unpaid trustees . Depositors had no voting rights and no say in financial or managerial matters. The bank is now a public limited company with the same rights and services as other banks and only retains the title in the abbreviated form TSB.
National Savings Certificate
(in Britain) a certificate bought from the National Savings department which can be redeemed tax-free with accrued interest, usually after 5 years
daylight saving
the practice of advancing standard time by one hour in the spring of each year and of setting it back by one hour in the fall in order to gain an extra period of daylight during the early evening
energy saving
the fact of saving energy , or amount of energy saved
savings and loan association
a depositor-owned organization that solicits savings to be placed in saving accounts or in share accounts, on which interest or dividends are paid, and from which mortgage loans on homes or real estate are made
daylight saving time
Daylight Saving Time is a period of time in the summer when the clocks are set one hour forward , so that people can have extra light in the evening.
In the U.S., an HSA is a medical savings account with tax advantages that is available to taxpayers who are enrolled in a high deductible health plan.
Chinese translation of 'savings'
n pl
(= money) 存款 (cúnkuǎn)
[of time, money]节(節)约(約) (jiéyuē)
to make a saving (on sth)(在某物上)节(節)省 ((zài mǒuwù shang) jiéshěng)