any of the male reproductive cells released in the semen during ejaculation, consisting of a flattened egg-shaped head, a long neck, and a whiplike tail by which it moves to fertilize the female ovum
Also called: sperm, zoosperm
Derived forms
spermatozoal (ˌspermatoˈzoal) or spermatozoan (ˌspermatoˈzoan) or spermatozoic (ˌspermatoˈzoic)
zoosperm in American English
1. Biology obsolete
2. Zoology
Derived forms
zoospermatic (ˌzouəspərˈmætɪk)
Word origin
[1830–40; zoo- + -sperm]This word is first recorded in the period 1830–40. Other words that entered Englishat around the same time include: format, grid, isomerism, nationalism, stroboscopezoo- is a combining form meaning “living being,” “animal,” used in the formation of compoundwords. Other words that use the affix zoo- include: zooflagellate, zoografting, zoomorphic, zoosemiotics, zootoxin