I mean, if you can speak English, French and German fluently you can get by in most countries nowadays.
Thompson listed television executives in half a dozen countries whom he could call at their homes, even on a Sunday.
St. James, Ian FINAL RESORT (2002)
Powerful people can lay their hands on almost anything in these countries.
Robert Wilson BLOOD IS DIRT (2002)
All related terms of 'countries'
A country is one of the political units which the world is divided into, covering a particular area of land.
a country
country music
a type of 20th-century popular music based on White folk music of the southeastern US
hillbilly music
a type of 20th-century popular music based on White folk music of the southeastern US
Low Countries
the lowland region of W Europe , on the North Sea : consists of Belgium , Luxembourg , and the Netherlands
bordering countries
countries that share a border with a particular country
state-trading countries
countries whose export and import trading is government controlled
low country
a low-lying region or area, as the coastal plains of the Carolinas and Georgia
old country
the country of origin of an immigrant or an immigrant's ancestors
commodity-producing countries
countries that produce raw materials and food
back country
The back country is an area that is a long way from any city and has very few people living in it.
Cross-country is the sport of running, riding, or skiing across open countryside rather than along roads or around a running track .
donor country
a country which provides aid to a developing country
high country
→ the high country
hill country
(in North Island) elevated pasture land for sheep or cattle
home country
the country a person comes from
host country
a country hosting an event
mother country
Someone's mother country is the country in which they or their ancestors were born and to which they still feel emotionally linked , even if they live somewhere else.
native country
the country someone is born in or native to
pumice country
volcanic farmland in the North Island
cottage country
any lakeside region where many country cottages are located
developing country
a nonindustrialized poor country that is seeking to develop its resources by industrialization
industrialized country
a country characterized by industry on an extensive scale
industrialized nation
a country characterized by industry on an extensive scale
six-finger country
an isolated area considered as being inhabited by people who practise inbreeding
Organization of Petroleum-Exporting Countries
an organization of countries whose exports include oil , formed in 1960 to stabilize and control the oil market . It currently has about a dozen members.
oil producer
a country with reserves of oil
newly industrialized country
a country that has recently become, or is now in the process of becoming , industrialized
primary producing country
a country that is involved in the extraction or winning of products consisting of raw materials, as in agriculture , fishing, forestry , hunting , or mining