a province of W Canada: consists of part of the Canadian Shield in the north and open prairie in the south; economy based chiefly on agriculture and mineral resources. Capital: Regina. Pop: 1 033 381 (2011 est). Area: 651 900 sq km (251 700 sq miles)
Abbreviation: Sask, SK
a river in W Canada, formed by the confluence of the North and South Saskatchewan Rivers: flows east to Lake Winnipeg. Length: 596 km (370 miles)
Saskatchewan in American English
(sæsˈkætʃəˌwɑn; sæsˈkætʃəwən)
river in central Saskatchewan flowing east into Lake Winnipeg: 340 mi (547 km); with principal headstream 1,205 mi (1,939 km)
province of SC Canada: 251,700 sq mi (651,900 sq km); pop. 990,000; cap. Regina
abbrev. SK or Sask
Word origin
earlier Keiskatchewan, name of the river < Cree kisiskatchewani sipi, lit., swift-flowing river