C14: from Old French conteor, from Latin computātor; see count1
counter- in British English
against; opposite; contrary
complementary; corresponding
duplicate or substitute
Word origin
via Norman French from Latin contrā against, opposite; see contra-
counter in American English1
in a contrary direction, manner, etc.; in opposition; opposite
that acts in opposition, tends in an opposite direction, or is opposite or contrary;opposed or opposing
the opposite; contrary
an opposing or checking force or action
5. Obsolete
the breast of a horse
a stiff leather piece around the heel of a shoe or boot
the curved, overhanging part of the stern of some ships
a depression between the raised parts of a typeface
9. Boxing
10. Fencing
a parry made with a circular motion of the blade in an attempt to divert the opponent's blade from whichever angle it is thrust
11. American Football
a play in which most blockers move in one direction while the running back with the ball moves in the opposite direction
: in full counter play
verb transitive, verb intransitive
to act, do, move, etc. counter to (a person or thing); oppose or check
to say or do (something) in reply, defense, or retaliation
14. Boxing
to strike one's opponent while receiving or parrying (a blow)
Word origin
ME countre < OFr contre < L contra, against, contra-
counter in American English2
a person or thing that counts; computer
any of various complex devices for detecting and counting ionizing particles, including Geiger and scintillation counters
an indicator on a machine, for keeping count of turns, strokes, etc. of the machine or its parts
a small object used in some games, as for keeping score
an imitation coin or token
a long table, board, cabinet top, etc., as in a store, lunchroom, or kitchen, for the display and sale of goods, the serving or preparing of food, etc.
over the counter
under the counter
Word origin
ME countour: in senses 1 & 2 < OFr conteor < L computator < computare; in senses 3, 4, 5 < OFr contouer, counting room, table of a bank < ML computatorium < L computare, compute
counter- in American English
opposite, contrary to
in retaliation or return
Word origin
ME countre- < OFr contre- < L contra-, contra-
More idioms containing
under the counter
a bean counter
Examples of 'counter' in a sentence
British companies tend to be run by bean counters who have no idea how the business works.
Times, Sunday Times (2017)
And what might parents be able to do to counter any ill effects?
Smithsonian Mag (2017)
Archaeologists have a good record of treating human remains with respect and this proposal appears to run counter to that.
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
We left ourselves susceptible to the counter attack and that's what happened.
The Sun (2016)
Scotland were defending deep, and defending in numbers but a threat on the counter and at set pieces.
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
Nato should be our network of choice because it is only through Nato that we can reduce our vulnerabilities and counterthe threat networks themselves.
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
The comments appear to run counter to both company 's financial results, although each claims other reasons for a declining performance.
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
You must have left it on the counter in that shop.
Times, Sunday Times (2008)
But the bus industry has countered the criticisms.
Times, Sunday Times (2011)
There are six people behind the counter.
Times, Sunday Times (2011)
Which brings me to a significant counter argument.
Times, Sunday Times (2009)
His aim is to counter those who say that their approach is the only correct one.
Salkie, Raphael The Chomsky Update - Linguistics and Politics (1990)
But he said they can be stopped with electronic counter measures blocking their signals.
The Sun (2014)
Asking them to adopt a more collaborative approach in other areas runs counter to that.
Times, Sunday Times (2013)
Inside was a long room with counters behind glass down one end.
Times, Sunday Times (2012)
They also looked shaky when hit on the counter attack.
The Sun (2012)
Business ministers will strongly counter any strike call over pay.
Times, Sunday Times (2013)
These basic beliefs often run counter to what science and philosophy tell us.
Times, Sunday Times (2007)
The notion also runs counter to the business model of many construction companies.
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
Instead she grabbed packets of cheese from the deli counter and threw them at the robbers.
Times, Sunday Times (2008)
It may just be the counter irritant effect of rubbing that does the trick.
The Sun (2012)
This is when the toy manufacturers and bean counters took over completely.
Times, Sunday Times (2008)
Will it be effective in countering criminal activity?
Times, Sunday Times (2015)
Carrying a threat on the counter is a very difficult thing.
The Sun (2014)
The company countered by saying that the model should have ignored the "expert" advice and stopped using the product.
Brumberg, Elaine Take Care of Your Skin (1990)
England countered with a place in the Performance squad.
Times, Sunday Times (2013)
To counter this, small groups need to think about how they can do life together publicly.
Christianity Today (2000)
Taking over the counter medicines?
The Sun (2013)
The useful display counter then alerts you when your 12 washes are done, at which point all you need to do is refill your existing dispenser.
Times, Sunday Times (2010)
Word lists with
In other languages
British English: counter /ˈkaʊntə/ NOUN
In a shop, a counter is a long flat surface at which customers are served.
...the meat counter.
American English: counter
Arabic: طَاوِلَة بَيْع
Brazilian Portuguese: balcão
Chinese: 柜台
Croatian: pult
Czech: přepážka
Danish: disk
Dutch: toonbank
European Spanish: mostrador
Finnish: tiski
French: comptoir
German: Tresen
Greek: πάγκος πωλήσεων
Italian: bancone
Japanese: カウンター
Korean: 카운터
Norwegian: telleverk
Polish: lada
European Portuguese: balcão
Romanian: ghișeu
Russian: прилавок
Latin American Spanish: mostrador
Swedish: kontra
Thai: เคาน์เตอร์
Turkish: tezgah
Ukrainian: вітрина
Vietnamese: quầy
British English: counter VERB
If you do something to counter a particular action or process, you do something which has an opposite effect to it or makes it less effective.
The leadership discussed a plan of economic measures to counter the effects of such a blockade.
He countered with a claim for police protection.
American English: counter
Brazilian Portuguese: responder
Chinese: 抗衡
European Spanish: contrarrestar
French: contrer
German: entgegenwirken
Italian: contrastare
Japanese: 逆らう
Korean: 대항하다
European Portuguese: contrariar
Latin American Spanish: contrarrestar
Chinese translation of 'counter'
(= desk) (in shop, café, bank, post office) 柜(櫃)台(臺) (guìtái) (个(個), gè)
(in game) 筹(籌)码(碼) (chóumǎ) (个(個), gè)
(for keeping count) 计(計)数(數)器 (jìshùqì)
a counter to sth对(對)某事物的反作用 (duì mǒushìwù de fǎn zuòyòng)
(= offset) 反击(擊) (fǎnjī)
(= respond to) 反驳(駁) (fǎnbó)
to run or be counter to sth违(違)背某事 (wéibèi mǒushì)
to buy/sell sth under the counter私下买(買)/卖(賣)某物 (sīxià mǎi/mài mǒuwù)
to counter with sth/by doing sth用某事/通过(過)做某事来(來)反对(對) (yòng mǒushì/tōngguò zuò mǒushì lái fǎnduì)