Mitigating circumstances or factors make a bad action easier to understand and excuse, and may result in the person responsible being punished less severely.
[law, formal]
The judge found that in her case there were mitigating circumstances.
There are various mitigating factors.
Synonyms: extenuating, qualifying, justifying, moderating More Synonyms of mitigating
mitigating in British English
(of a case, factor, or circumstance) lessening the impact of something such as a crime or mistake
a wide variety of mitigating measures to improve the living conditions of the people
There are various mitigating factors.
Examples of 'mitigating' in a sentence
You came here under false pretences, though I admit there were mitigating circumstances.
Forbes, Bryan A SONG AT TWILIGHT (2002)
`He's wondering whether it ought to be a mitigating factor?
Hilton, John Buxton DISPLACED PERSON (2002)
In other languages
British English: mitigating ADJECTIVE
Mitigating circumstances or factors make a bad action, especially a crime, easier to understand and excuse.
The judge found that in her case there were mitigating circumstances.
American English: mitigating
Brazilian Portuguese: mitigante
Chinese: 可减轻罪责的 >情节、因素
European Spanish: atenuante
French: atténuant
German: mildernd
Italian: attenuante
Japanese: 軽減する
Korean: 참작할
European Portuguese: mitigante
Latin American Spanish: atenuante
The judge heard that there were mitigating circumstances.
There were extenuating circumstances for her crime.