

单词 u-turn

Examples of 'U-turn' in a sentence

As he pulled out from the curb and pivoted through a U-turn, he caught a glimpse of a gray van edging out into the traffic.Greenfield made a U-turn at the top of the stairs and we followed the corridor back towards the rear of the building.

In other languages

British English: U-turn /ˈjuːˌtɜːn/ NOUN
when driving If you make a U-turn when you are driving or cycling, you turn in a half-circle in one movement, so that you are then going in the opposite direction.
Making a sharp U-turn, she headed back.
  • American English: U-turn
  • Arabic: الِالْتِفَافُ إِلَى الِاتِّـجَاهِ الـمُعَاكِسِ بِالسَّيَّارة
  • Brazilian Portuguese: meia-volta
  • Chinese: U形转弯
  • Croatian: zaokret
  • Czech: otáčka do protisměru
  • Danish: svingning på 180 grader
  • Dutch: ommezwaai van 180°
  • European Spanish: cambio de sentido
  • Finnish: täyskäännös
  • French: demi-tour
  • German: Wende
  • Greek: αναστροφή
  • Italian: inversione a U
  • Japanese: Uターン
  • Korean: U턴
  • Norwegian: u-sving
  • Polish: zawracanie
  • European Portuguese: meia-volta
  • Romanian: întoarcere
  • Russian: разворот
  • Latin American Spanish: cambio de sentido
  • Swedish: helomvändning
  • Thai: การเลี้ยวกลับที่ทางเลี้ยวเป็นรูปตัวยู
  • Turkish: U-dönüşü
  • Ukrainian: розворот
  • Vietnamese: sự vòng ngược
British English: U-turn NOUN
in policy If you describe a change in someone's policy, plans, or actions as a U-turn, you mean that it is a complete change.
He's doing a U-turn and forecasting 1% growth this year after earlier predicting a 2% drop.
  • American English: U-turn
  • Brazilian Portuguese: retorno
  • Chinese: 180度大转弯政策、计划、行动等
  • European Spanish: cambio de sentido
  • French: volte-face
  • German: Kehrtwendung
  • Italian: inversione di rotta
  • Japanese: 方向転換
  • Korean: 유턴
  • European Portuguese: retorno
  • Latin American Spanish: cambio de sentido

Definition of 'U-turn'

Chinese translation of 'U-turn'



n (c)

  1. (when driving) U形转(轉)弯(彎) (U xíng zhuǎnwān)
  2. (fig) 彻(徹)底转(轉)变(變) (chèdǐ zhuǎnbiàn)
    to do a U-turn (in vehicle) 180度掉头(頭) (yībǎibāshí dù diàotóu) (fig) 彻(徹)底转(轉)变(變) (chèdǐ zhuǎnbiàn)




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