an atmospheric phenomenon consisting of bands, curtains, or streamers of light, usually green, red, or yellow, that move across the sky in polar regions. It is caused by collisions between air molecules and charged particles from the sun that are trapped in the earth's magnetic field
2. poetic
the dawn
Derived forms
auroral (auˈroral)
aurorally (auˈrorally)
Word origin
C14: from Latin: dawn; see east
Examples of 'aurorae' in a sentence
Humans have attempted many explanations for the aurorae.
Times, Sunday Times (2009)
During the winter months we were fortunate to witness many spectacular aurorae.
Times, Sunday Times (2017)
Astronomers made more than 104,000 observations with it, including planets, comets, stars, interstellar gas, supernovae, planetary aurorae, galaxies, and quasars.