Moulton's have had to raise their prices to cover increased costs.
Costs have been cut by 30 to 50 per cent.
The company admits its costs are still too high.
2. law
the expenses of judicial proceedings
She lost the case and had to pay both parties' legal costs.
He was jailed for 18 months and ordered to pay £ 550 costs.
Examples of 'costs' in a sentence
Character costs more money than you've got, Alma thought grimly.
A brand new tissue mill, using current technology, costs over one hundred million dollars to build.
The catalogues were fetching in six times the printing costs.
All related terms of 'costs'
The cost of something is the amount of money that is needed in order to buy , do, or make it.
fixed costs
costs that do not vary with output
legal costs
the costs of a court action; the judge decides which side should pay them
sunk costs
retrospective costs which have been incurred and cannot be recovered
general costs
the general expenses of running a business
labour costs
the charges incurred when employing labour ; the wages , etc, paid to workers , esp those employed to do physical work
period costs
Period costs are general costs that cannot be associated with a particular product, such as utilities or insurance .
postage costs
the cost of having mail delivered
product costs
Product costs are costs that can be directly associated with a particular product, such as manufacturing and sales costs.
running costs
The running costs of a business are the amount of money that is regularly spent on things such as salaries, heating, lighting, and rent.
salvage costs
the costs involved in salvaging goods or property from fire, shipwreck , etc
at all costs
If you say that something must be avoided at all costs , you are emphasizing that it must not be allowed to happen under any circumstances .
indirect costs
business expenses , such as rent , that are not directly attributable to any department or product and can therefore be assigned only arbitrarily
overhead costs
business expenses , such as rent , that are not directly attributable to any department or product and can therefore be assigned only arbitrarily
variable costs
Variable costs are costs that vary depending on how much of a product is made.
acquisition costs
Acquisition costs are the total costs of writing or issuing an insurance policy .
bill of costs
a statement of the total costs that are the responsibility of a party to a suit or action
maintenance costs
the costs associated with keeping a road , building, vehicle, or machine in good condition by regularly checking it and repairing it when necessary
production costs
the costs used in manufacturing a product
relocation costs
payment made by an employer or a government agency to cover removal expenses and other costs incurred by an employee who is required to take up employment elsewhere
start-up costs
the costs of setting up a business or other project
warehousing costs
the costs involved in storing goods in a warehouse
sunk cost
A sunk cost is an expense that you have already paid for or committed to and which you cannot change .
unit cost
The unit cost is the amount of money that it costs a company to produce one article.
fixed cost
a cost unvarying with a change in the volume of business ( distinguished from variable cost )
plant cost
the cost to a business of mechanical equipment
prime cost
the portion of the cost of a commodity that varies directly with the amount of it produced, principally comprising materials and labour
actual cost
the cost of a product based on incurred costs of material and labor required in its production
capital cost
a cost incurred on the purchase of land, buildings, construction and equipment to be used in the production of goods or the rendering of services
common cost
costs assignable to two or more products, operations , departments , etc., of a company
current cost
The current cost of assets is their current value, or what it would cost to replace them at this time.
direct cost
a cost that can be related directly to the production of a product or to a particular function or service
factor cost
(in social accounting) valuation of goods and services at their overall commercial cost , including markups but excluding indirect taxes and subsidies
baseline cost
the projected cost for an undertaking at the time it is budgeted
the cost of owning, running , or using something
historical cost
The historical cost of an asset is its original cost when it was first acquired by a company.
indirect cost
a business cost that is not directly accountable to a particular function or product; a fixed cost, as a land tax or the like
inventory cost
Inventory costs are the costs to a business associated with holding stock , or money that is tied up in stock.
marginal cost
the cost of one additional unit of any item produced or bought in quantity
operating cost
The operating cost of a business , or a piece of equipment or machinery is the amount of money that it costs to run it.
standard cost
the predetermined budgeted cost of a regular manufacturing process against which actual costs are compared
variable cost
a cost that varies directly with output
distribution cost
a cost incurred by a distributor or in the distribution of something
opportunity cost
the benefit that could have been gained from an alternative use of the same resource
replacement cost
the cost it takes to replace or substitute something which is old , broken , etc