Glycogen and other non-contractile organelles were sometimes aggregated in oedematous, sub-sarcolemmal regions.
M. A. Gregory, M. Mars 2004, 'The effect of compressed air massage on untraumatised rabbit skeletal muscle - a morphometricand ultrastructural study', South African Journal of Physiotherapy Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
Previous studies suggest that sarcolemmal potassium currents play important roles in cardiac hypertrophy.
Richard M. Millis, Zikiar V. Alvin, Aiqiu Zhao, Georges E. Haddad 2012, 'Effects of IGF-1 on IK and IK1 Channels via PI3K/Akt Signaling in Neonatal CardiacMyocytes', International Journal of Cell Biology Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
Glycosylation of sarcolemmal proteins seems to be normal.
José Andrés González Coraspe, Joachim Weis, Mary E. Anderson, Ute Münchberg, KristinaLorenz, Stephan Buchkremer, Stephanie Carr, René Peiman Zahedi, Eva Brauers, HannahMichels, Yoshihide Sunada, Hanns Lochmüller, Kevin P. Campbell, Erik Freier, DenisaHathazi, Andreas Roos 2018, 'Biochemical and pathological changes result from mutated Caveolin-3 in muscle', Skeletal Muscle Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
Using immunohistochemistry, a strong sarcolemmal staining of caveolin-3 in regenerated muscle fibers was found.
Alexander Spassov, Tomasz Gedrange, Katarzyna Sporniak-Tutak, Agnieszka Mielczarek,Sven Morgenstern, Silke Lucke, Tomasz Gredes, Christiane Kunert-Keil 2011, 'Caveolin-1, caveolin-3 and VEGF expression in the masticatory muscles of mdx mice',Folia Histochemica et Cytobiologica Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
Immunohistochemistry showed that there was a total loss of sarcolemmal sarcoglycancomplex.
Diniz G, Tekgul H, Hazan F, Yararbas K, Tukun A 2015, 'Sarcolemmal deficiency of sarcoglycan complex in an 18-month-old Turkish boy witha large deletion in the beta sarcoglycan gene', Balkan Journal of Medical Genetics Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
Dystrophin-null sapje mutant zebrafish also exhibit sarcolemmal instability.
Elizabeth C. Coffey, Maggie E. Pasquarella, Michelle F. Goody, Clarissa A. Henry 2018, 'Ethanol Exposure Causes Muscle Degeneration in Zebrafish', Journal of Developmental Biology Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
Heart failure progressively stiffens the membrane and displaces sub-sarcolemmal mitochondria.
Michele Miragoli, Jose L. Sanchez-Alonso, Anamika Bhargava, Peter T. Wright, MarkusSikkel, Sophie Schobesberger, Ivan Diakonov, Pavel Novak, Alessandra Castaldi, PaolaCattaneo, Alexander R. Lyon, Max J. Lab, Julia Gorelik 2016, 'Microtubule-Dependent Mitochondria Alignment Regulates Calcium Release in Responseto Nanomechanical Stimulus in Heart Myocytes', Cell Reports Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
The absence of dystrophin disrupts this link, leading to compromised muscle sarcolemmal integrity.
Han Renzhi, Rader Erik P, Levy Jennifer R, Bansal Dimple, Campbell Kevin P 2011, 'Dystrophin deficiency exacerbates skeletal muscle pathology in dysferlin-null mice',Skeletal Muscle Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
Histopathologically, all male patients showed autophagic vacuoles with sarcolemmal features in muscle.
Kazuma Sugie, Hirofumi Komaki, Nobuyuki Eura, Tomo Shiota, Kenji Onoue, Hiroyasu Tsukaguchi,Narihiro Minami, Megumu Ogawa, Takao Kiriyama, Hiroshi Kataoka, Yoshihiko Saito, IkuyaNonaka, Ichizo Nishino 2018, 'A Nationwide Survey on Danon Disease in Japan', International Journal of Molecular Sciences Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
Previous reports have shown that loss of dystrophin causes sarcolemmal instability and reduced mechanical compliance of isolated cardiac myocytes.
Matthew S Barnabei, Joseph M Metzger 2012, 'Ex vivo stretch reveals altered mechanical properties of isolated dystrophin-deficienthearts.', PLoS ONE Retrieved from PLOS CC BY 4.0 (