any coryneform bacterium, esp. a corynebacterium or propionibacterium
Word origin
[1950–55; coryne(bacterium) + -form]This word is first recorded in the period 1950–55. Other words that entered Englishat around the same time include: Common Market, International Gothic, allograph, bleep, speech recognition-form is a combining form meaning “having the form of”. Other words that use the affix-form include: iodoform, moniliform, somatoform, tectiform, villiform
Examples of 'coryneform' in a sentence
Symptomatic improvement was observed in all coryneform-infected patients after the administration of appropriate therapy.
Meher Rizvi, Mehnaz Waris Rizvi, Shaheen, Asfia Sultan, Fatima Khan, Indu Shukla,Abida Malik 2013, 'Emergence of coryneform bacteria as pathogens in nosocomial surgical site infectionsin a tertiary care hospital of North India', Journal of Infection and Public Health Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
All coryneform-infected patients had fever and post-operative wound dehiscence leading to a prolonged hospital stay.
Meher Rizvi, Mehnaz Waris Rizvi, Shaheen, Asfia Sultan, Fatima Khan, Indu Shukla,Abida Malik 2013, 'Emergence of coryneform bacteria as pathogens in nosocomial surgical site infectionsin a tertiary care hospital of North India', Journal of Infection and Public Health Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
Coryneform bacteria were considered significant pathogens only if they fulfilled rigorous clinical and microbiological criteria.
Meher Rizvi, Mehnaz Waris Rizvi, Shaheen, Asfia Sultan, Fatima Khan, Indu Shukla,Abida Malik 2013, 'Emergence of coryneform bacteria as pathogens in nosocomial surgical site infectionsin a tertiary care hospital of North India', Journal of Infection and Public Health Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
C.jeikium was the most common coryneform isolated.
Meher Rizvi, Fatima khan, Adil Rezaq, Indu Shukla, Amir bin Sabir 2011, 'Emergence of coryneforms in osteomyelitis and orthopaedic surgical site infections',Australasian Medical Journal Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
The microbiological analysis showed that the coryneform group dominated over other investigated groups of bacteria.
Barbara Breza-Boruta, Zbigniew Paluszak 2013, 'Occurrence of potentially antagonistic bacteria on surface of potato (Solanum turerosum)roots', Acta Agrobotanica Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
The importance of coryneform bacteria and streptococci in such processes must be evaluated in future studies.
Fernando Cardoso-Toset, Jaime Gómez-Laguna, Shyrley P. Amarilla, Ana I. Vela, LibradoCarrasco, Jose F. Fernández-Garayzábal, Rafael J. Astorga, Inmaculada Luque 2015, 'Multi-Etiological Nature of Tuberculosis-Like Lesions in Condemned Pigs at the Slaughterhouse',PLOS ONE10.1371/journal.pone.0139130. Retrieved from PLOS CC BY 4.0 (
Diphtheroids or "coryneform" bacilli are usually considered to be nonpathogenic "normal flora" of human skin and mucous membranes.
Goyal R, Singh N, Mathur M 2005, 'Septic arthritis due to Arcanobacterium haemolyticum', Indian Journal of Medical Microbiology;year=2005;volume=23;issue=1;spage=63;epage=65;aulast=Goyal. Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
All the coryneform bacteria were multidrug resistant, and 51.8% of isolates were sensitive to only gatifloxacin and vancomycin.
Meher Rizvi, Mehnaz Waris Rizvi, Shaheen, Asfia Sultan, Fatima Khan, Indu Shukla,Abida Malik 2013, 'Emergence of coryneform bacteria as pathogens in nosocomial surgical site infectionsin a tertiary care hospital of North India', Journal of Infection and Public Health Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (