a carved figure of a saint, usually of wood, as from Puerto Rico, Mexico, or the southwestern U.S
Word origin
[1630–40, for an earlier sense; ‹ AmerSp, Sp: lit., saint ‹ L sānctus]This word is first recorded in the period 1630–40. Other words that entered Englishat around the same time include: amphibian, brigade, graphic, riffle, seesaw
All related terms of 'santo'
campo santo
a cemetery
palo santo
a South American tree, Bulnesia sarmienti , of the caltrop family, yielding a fragrant essential oil
Santo Domingo
the capital and chief port of the Dominican Republic , on the S coast : the oldest continuous European settlement in the Americas , founded in 1496; university (1538). Pop: 2 945 353 (2015 est)
Espírito Santo
a state of E Brazil , on the Atlantic : swampy coastal plain with mountains in the west ; heavily forested . Capital: Vitó ria . Pop: 3 201 722 (2002). Area: 45 597 sq km (17 601 sq miles)
Espiritu Santo
an island in the SW Pacific : the largest and westernmost of the Vanuatu islands. Area: 4856 sq km (1875 sq miles)
Santo Tomé de Guayana
an industrial conurbation in E Venezuela , on the River Orinoco : iron and steel processing , gold mining . Pop: 807 000 (2005 est)