释义 |
View usage for: (mɪsliːdɪŋ) adjectiveIf you describe something as misleading, you mean that it gives you a wrong idea or impression. It would be misleading to say that we were friends. The article contains several misleading statements. Synonyms: confusing, false, ambiguous, deceptive More Synonyms of misleading misleadingly adverb [usually ADVERB with verb, oft ADVERB adjective] The data had been presented misleadingly. misleading in British English (mɪsˈliːdɪŋ) adjectivetending to confuse or mislead; deceptive Derived forms misleadingly (misˈleadingly) adverb Examples of 'misleading' in a sentencemisleading `I'm sorry, what I said may have been misleading ," Ross said.She was small and rather frail-looking, which was misleading.`Concealed" is a misleading word here; anyone coming upstairs need only advance along the landing to see me. In other languagesmisleading British English: misleading / mɪsˈliːdɪŋ/ ADJECTIVE If you describe something as misleading, you mean that it gives you a wrong idea or impression. It would be misleading to say that we are friends. - American English: misleading
- Arabic: مُضَلِّلٌ
- Brazilian Portuguese: enganoso
- Chinese: 令人误解的
- Croatian: varav
- Czech: zavádějící
- Danish: vildledende
- Dutch: misleidend
- European Spanish: engañoso
- Finnish: harhaanjohtava
- French: trompeur
- German: irreführend
- Greek: παραπλανητικός
- Italian: fuorviante
- Japanese: 誤解を招く
- Korean: 오도하는
- Norwegian: villedende
- Polish: wprowadzający w błąd
- European Portuguese: enganoso
- Romanian: înșelător
- Russian: вводящий в заблуждение
- Latin American Spanish: engañoso
- Swedish: vilseledande
- Thai: ซึ่งทำให้เข้าใจผิด
- Turkish: yanıltıcı
- Ukrainian: оманливий
- Vietnamese: sai lạc
Chinese translation of 'misleading' adj -
使人误(誤)解的 (shǐ rén wùjiě de)
SeemisledDefinition giving a false or confusing impression The article contains several misleading statements. Synonyms disingenuous deceitful delusory sophistical casuistical unstraightforward Opposites open , clear , true , direct , simple , frank , obvious , correct , plain , genuine , straightforward , explicit , sincere , honest , candid , truthful , dinkum (Australian, New Zealand, informal) Additional synonymsDefinition having more than one possible interpretation His remarks clarify an ambiguous statement given earlier this week. Synonyms unclear, puzzling, uncertain, obscure, vague, doubtful, dubious, enigmatic, indefinite, inconclusive, cryptic, indeterminate, equivocal, Delphic, oracular, enigmatical, clear as mud (informal) Definition likely or designed to deceive Appearances can be deceptive. Synonyms misleading, false, fake, mock, ambiguous, unreliable, spurious, illusory, specious, fallacious, delusivedelusive emblems of liberty Synonyms deceptive, misleading, spurious, illusory, specious, fallacious, illusive, chimericalAdditional synonymsSynonyms deceptive, imagined, mistaken, false, imaginary, misguided, unfounded, deluded, fictitious, erroneous, illusory, fallaciousDefinition seeking to evade He was evasive about the circumstances of their first meeting. Synonyms deceptive, misleading, indirect, cunning, slippery, tricky, shuffling, devious, oblique, shifty (informal), cagey (informal), deceitful, dissembling, prevaricating, equivocating, sophistical, casuistic, casuistical, elusiveDefinition not real or genuine but intended to seem so He paid for a false passport. Synonyms artificial, forged, fake, mock, reproduction, synthetic, replica, imitation, bogus, simulated, sham, pseudo (informal), counterfeit, feigned, spurious, ersatz, pretendedDefinition apparently correct or true, but actually wrong or false The Duke was not convinced by such specious arguments. Synonyms fallacious, misleading, deceptive, plausible, unsound, sophistic, sophistical, casuistic Definition not genuine or real a spurious framework for analysis Synonyms false, bogus, sham, pretended, artificial, forged, fake, mock, imitation, simulated, contrived, pseudo (informal), counterfeit, feigned, ersatz, specious, unauthentic, phoney or phony (informal) Definition sly or wily They could encounter some tricky political manoeuvring. Synonyms crafty, scheming, subtle, cunning, slippery, sly, deceptive, devious, wily, artful, foxy, deceitful |