a compilation of precepts passed down as an oral tradition and collected by Judah ha-Nasi in the late second century ad. It forms the earlier part of the Talmud
See also Gemara
Derived forms
Mishnaic (mɪʃˈneɪɪk), Mishnic (ˈMishnic) or Mishnical (ˈMishnical)
Word origin
C17: from Hebrew: instruction by repetition, from shānāh to repeat
Mishna in American English
(ˈmɪʃnɑ) or Mishˈnah (ˈmɪʃnɑ)
nounWord forms: pluralˌMishnaˈyot (ˌmɪʃnɑˈjoʊt)
the first part of the Talmud, containing traditional oral interpretations of scriptural ordinances (halakhot), compiled by the rabbis about a.d. 200
any of these interpretations
Derived forms
Mishnaic (Mishˈnaic) (ˈmɪʃˈneɪɪk)
Word origin
Heb mishna, lit., (oral) instruction < root šnh, to repeat, (later) learn, teach