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View usage for: (mɪzərəbəl) 1. adjective [usually verb-link ADJECTIVE]If you are miserable, you are very unhappy. I took a series of badly paid secretarial jobs which made me really miserable. She went to bed, miserable and depressed. Synonyms: sad, down, low, depressed More Synonyms of miserable miserably (mɪzərəbli) adverb [usually ADVERB after verb] He looked miserably down at his plate. 2. adjective [usually ADJECTIVE noun]If you describe a place or situation as miserable, you mean that it makes you feel unhappy or depressed. There was nothing at all in this miserable place to distract him. Synonyms: dreary, bleak, desolate, sorry More Synonyms of miserable 3. adjectiveIf you describe the weather as miserable, you mean that it makes you feel depressed, because it is raining or dull. It was a grey, wet, miserable day. It was very cold, damp and miserable. Synonyms: unpleasant, wet, rainy, stormy More Synonyms of miserable 4. adjective [ADJECTIVE noun]If you describe someone as miserable, you mean that you do not like them because they are bad-tempered or unfriendly. He always was a miserable man. He never spoke to me nor anybody else. Synonyms: sullen, sour, moody, grumpy More Synonyms of miserable 5. adjectiveYou can describe a quantity or quality as miserable when you think that it is much smaller or worse than it ought to be. [emphasis] Our speed over the ground was a miserable 2.2 knots. Synonyms: pathetic, low, sorry, disgraceful More Synonyms of miserable miserably adverb [ADVERB adjective] ...the miserably inadequate supply of books now provided for schools. 6. adjective [ADJECTIVE noun]A miserable failure is a very great one. [emphasis] The film was a miserable commercial failure both in Italy and in the United States. miserably adverb [ADVERB with verb] Some manage it. Some fail miserably. miserable in British English (ˈmɪzərəbəl, ˈmɪzrə-) adjective1. unhappy or depressed; wretched 2. causing misery, discomfort, etc a miserable life 3. contemptible a miserable villain 4. sordid or squalid miserable living conditions 5. Scottish, Australian and New Zealand mean; stingy 6. (pejorative intensifier) you miserable wretch Derived forms miserableness (ˈmiserableness) noun miserably (ˈmiserably) adverb Word origin C16: from Old French, from Latin miserābilis worthy of pity, from miserārī to pity, from miser wretched miserable in American English (ˈmɪzərəbəl; ˈmɪzrəbəl) adjective1. in a condition of misery; wretched, unhappy, suffering, etc. 2. causing misery, discomfort, or suffering miserable weather 3. bad; inferior; inadequate a miserable performance noun6. Obsolete a miserable person Derived forms miserableness (ˈmiserableness) noun miserably (ˈmiserably) adverb Word origin Fr misérable < L miserabilis, pitiable < miserari, to pity < miser, wretched Examples of 'miserable' in a sentencemiserable That must feel pretty miserable inside.In fact there were two miserable days in August when my switch was flicked.I've had them since my childhood and they make me feel miserable.I don't really want to tell her to get lost but listening to her boasting makes me feel really miserable.But I was miserable, depressed.It is the air of this room that makes me feel so miserable.Everyone in the house is miserable and always on edge in case we annoy him.But this had been a miserable failure.The pay cut came after the miserable winter weather sent claims soaring.To make us miserable and cold and ready for a revolution.It was for a glossy magazine and it was the most miserable day of my working life.Cities can make you feel cheerful or miserable.And what a miserable failure it was.The miserable rainy weather has left me craving comfort food with attitude.It makes me depressed and miserable.But it always made me miserable.It was very cold, damp and miserable.It's ridiculous and it is making me depressed and miserable.We were wet to the skin, and cold and miserable.The citing capped a miserable day for England after a lacklustre display in the tour opener.It is not really painful, but makes me feel rather miserable and often very chilly.We have luxury holidays but she's always miserable.But deep down she was miserable and bitterly unhappy with her figure - until she found the strength to transform herself.I am so miserable and unhappy. In other languagesmiserable British English: miserable / ˈmɪzərəbl; ˈmɪzrə-/ ADJECTIVE If you are miserable, you are very unhappy. I had a job which made me really miserable. - American English: miserable
- Arabic: تَعِيسٌ
- Brazilian Portuguese: miserável
- Chinese: 痛苦的
- Croatian: nesretan
- Czech: sklíčený
- Danish: elendig
- Dutch: beroerd
- European Spanish: miserable
- Finnish: kurja
- French: malheureux
- German: elend
- Greek: δυστυχής
- Italian: miserabile
- Japanese: 惨めな
- Korean: 비참한
- Norwegian: elendig
- Polish: marny
- European Portuguese: miserável
- Romanian: nefericit
- Russian: жалкий
- Latin American Spanish: miserable
- Swedish: eländig
- Thai: ทำให้หดหู่ใจ
- Turkish: sefil
- Ukrainian: нещасний
- Vietnamese: khốn khổ
Chinese translation of 'miserable' adj - (= unhappy) [person]
痛苦的 (tòngkǔ de) - (= wretched) [conditions, place]
破败(敗)的 (pòbài de) - (= unpleasant) [weather, day]
恶(惡)劣的 (èliè de) - (= bad-tempered, unfriendly) [person, nature]
坏(壞)脾气(氣)的 (huài píqi de) - (= meagre) [amount]
少得可怜(憐)的 (shǎo de kělián de) - (= hopeless) [failure]
悲惨(慘)的 (bēicǎn de) to feel miserable 感到痛苦 (gǎndào tòngkǔ)
Definition unhappy or depressed She went to bed, miserable and depressed. Synonyms distressed afflicted broken-hearted down in the dumps (informal) down in the mouth (informal) Opposites Definition sordid or squalid There was nothing in this miserable place to distract him. Synonyms sorry foul dilapidated uninviting Definition causing misery or discomfort a grey, wet, miserable day Definition unhappy or depressed He always was a miserable man. He never spoke to anyone. Definition mean or ungenerous They have so far accepted only a miserable 1,100 refugees. Additional synonymsDefinition utterly miserable Both of them suffered abject poverty. Synonyms wretched, miserable, hopeless, dismal, outcast, pitiful, forlorn, deplorable, pitiablea crusty, bad-tempered, ill-humoured character Synonyms irritable, cross, angry, tense, crabbed, fiery, grumbling, snarling, prickly, exasperated, edgy, snappy, sullen, touchy, surly, petulant, sulky, ill-tempered, irascible, cantankerous, tetchy, ratty (British, New Zealand, informal), tooshie (Australian, slang), testy, chippy (informal), fretful, grouchy (informal), querulous, peevish, crabby, huffy, dyspeptic, choleric, splenetic, crotchety (informal), oversensitive, snappish, ill-humoured, liverish, narky (British, slang), out of humour Definition offering little hope The immediate outlook remains bleak. Synonyms dismal, black, dark, depressing, grim, discouraging, gloomy, hopeless, dreary, sombre, unpromising, disheartening, joyless, cheerless, comfortlessAdditional synonymsDefinition quarrelsome or bad-tempered You're just a cantankerous so-and-so. Synonyms bad-tempered, contrary, perverse, irritable, crusty, grumpy, disagreeable, cranky (US, Canadian, Irish, informal), irascible, tetchy, ratty (British, New Zealand, informal), testy, quarrelsome, waspish, grouchy (informal), arsey (British, Australian, New Zealand, slang), peevish, crabby, choleric, crotchety (informal), ill-humoured, liverish, captious, difficultDefinition dreary or gloomy The kitchen was a dank and cheerless room. Synonyms gloomy, dark, depressing, dull, grim, bleak, dismal, dreary, sombre, austere, drab, desolate, forlorn, joyless, funereal, comfortlessDefinition deserving to be despised or hated Her husband is a contemptible little man.It was an utterly contemptible thing to do. Synonyms despicable, mean, low, base, cheap (informal), worthless, shameful, shabby, vile, degenerate, low-down (informal), paltry, pitiful, abject, ignominious, measly (informal), scurvy (old-fashioned), detestable, odiousDefinition disappointed or disheartened He looked crestfallen when he failed the exam. Synonyms disappointed, depressed, discouraged, dejected, despondent, downcast, disheartened, disconsolate, downhearted, chapfallen, sick as a parrot (informal), choked Definition in low spirits Everyone has days when they feel dejected or down. Synonyms downhearted, down, low, blue, sad, depressed, miserable, gloomy, dismal, melancholy, glum, despondent, downcast, morose, disheartened, wretched, disconsolate, crestfallen, doleful, down in the dumps (informal), cast down, sick as a parrot (informal), woebegone, low-spiritedDefinition very bad or unpleasant Many of them work under deplorable conditions. Synonyms terrible (informal), distressing, dreadful, sad, unfortunate, disastrous, miserable, dire, melancholy, heartbreaking, grievous, regrettable, lamentable, calamitous, wretched, pitiableDefinition low in spirits He seemed somewhat depressed. Synonyms sad, down, low, blue, unhappy, discouraged, fed up, moody, gloomy, pessimistic, melancholy, sombre, glum, mournful, dejected, despondent, dispirited, downcast, morose, disconsolate, crestfallen, doleful, downhearted, heavy-hearted, down in the dumps (informal), cheerless, woebegone, down in the mouth (informal), low-spiritedthe depressing thought of his mother's death Synonyms bleak, black, sad, distressing, discouraging, gloomy, daunting, hopeless, dismal, melancholy, dreary, harrowing, saddening, sombre, heartbreaking, dispiriting, disheartening, funereal, dejecting Definition gloomy or dismal I was desolate without her. Synonyms miserable, depressed, lonely, lonesome (US, Canadian), gloomy, dismal, melancholy, forlorn, bereft, dejected, despondent, downcast, wretched, disconsolate, down in the dumps (informal), cheerless, comfortless, companionless Definition uninhabited and bleak a desolate, barren place Synonyms uninhabited, deserted, bare, waste, wild, ruined, bleak, solitary, barren, dreary, godforsaken, unfrequentedAdditional synonymsDefinition deserving contempt He said it was a despicable crime. Synonyms contemptible, mean, low, base, cheap (informal), infamous, degrading, worthless, disgraceful, shameful, vile, sordid, pitiful, abject, hateful, reprehensible, ignominious, disreputable, wretched, scurvy (old-fashioned), detestable, scungy (Australian, New Zealand), beyond contempt Definition dejected or depressed He often felt despondent after these meetings. Synonyms dejected, sad, depressed, down, low, blue, despairing, discouraged, miserable, gloomy, hopeless, dismal, melancholy, in despair, glum, dispirited, downcast, morose, disheartened, sorrowful, wretched, disconsolate, doleful, downhearted, down in the dumps (informal), sick as a parrot (informal), woebegone, low-spiritedDefinition sad beyond comfort He was looking increasingly disconsolate. Synonyms sad, low, unhappy, miserable, gloomy, dismal, melancholy, forlorn, woeful, dejected, wretched, down in the dumps (informal) I complained about his disgraceful behaviour. Synonyms shameful, shocking, scandalous, mean, low, infamous, degrading, unworthy, ignominious, disreputable, contemptible, dishonourable, detestable, discreditable, blameworthy, opprobriousDefinition gloomy and depressing You can't occupy yourself with dismal thoughts all the time. Synonyms sad, gloomy, melancholy, black, dark, depressing, discouraging, bleak, dreary, sombre, forlorn, despondent, lugubrious, sorrowful, wretched, funereal, cheerless, dolorousDefinition gloomy and depressing The main part of the hospital is pretty dismal. Synonyms gloomy, depressing, dull, dreary, lugubrious, cheerlessDefinition dreary or mournful He stared over his glasses with a doleful look. Synonyms mournful, sad, gloomy, depressing, low, painful, distressing, dismal, melancholy, dreary, sombre, pitiful, forlorn, woeful, lugubrious, sorrowful, wretched, funereal, cheerless, woebegone, down in the mouth, dolorousDefinition depressed or unhappy The old man sounded really down. Synonyms depressed, low, sad, blue, unhappy, discouraged, miserable, fed up, dismal, pessimistic, melancholy, glum, dejected, despondent, dispirited, downcast, morose, disheartened, crestfallen, downhearted, down in the dumps (informal), sick as a parrot (informal), low-spiritedDefinition sad and dejected a glum, downcast expression Synonyms dejected, sad, depressed, unhappy, disappointed, discouraged, miserable, dismayed, choked, daunted, dismal, despondent, dispirited, disheartened, disconsolate, crestfallen, down in the dumps (informal), cheerless, sick as a parrot (informal) Definition lonely, unhappy, and uncared-for He looked a forlorn figure as he limped off. Synonyms miserable, helpless, pathetic, pitiful, lost, forgotten, abandoned, unhappy, lonely, lonesome (US, Canadian), homeless, forsaken, bereft, destitute, wretched, disconsolate, friendless, down in the dumps (informal), pitiable, cheerless, woebegone, comfortlessAdditional synonymsDefinition despairing or sad He is gloomy about the fate of the economy. Synonyms miserable, down, sad, dismal, low, blue, pessimistic, melancholy, glum, dejected, despondent, dispirited, downcast, joyless, downhearted, down in the dumps (informal), cheerless, down in the mouth, in low spirits, chapfallen, moody, sullen, morose, crestfallen, saturnineDefinition gloomy and quiet, usually because of a disappointment What are you both looking so glum about? Synonyms gloomy, miserable, dismal, down, low, melancholy, dejected, downcast, morose, doleful, downhearted, down in the dumps (informal), down in the mouth, in low spirits, chapfallen, sour, moody, crabbed, pessimistic, grumpy, sullen, surly, churlish, sulky, crestfallen, saturnine, huffy, ill-humouredDefinition desolate or dreary I don't want to stay in this God-forsaken country. Synonyms desolate, abandoned, deserted, remote, neglected, lonely, bleak, gloomy, backward, dismal, dreary, forlorn, wretchedDefinition bad-tempered Grandfather is a grouchy old so-and-so. Synonyms bad-tempered, cross, irritable, grumpy, discontented, grumbling, surly, petulant, sulky, ill-tempered, irascible, cantankerous, tetchy, ratty (British, New Zealand, informal), testy, querulous, peevish, huffy, liverishDefinition sulky and bad-tempered I'm always grumpy in the morning. Synonyms irritable, cross, bad-tempered, grumbling, crabbed, edgy, surly, petulant, ill-tempered, cantankerous, tetchy, ratty (British, New Zealand, informal), testy, grouchy (informal), querulous, peevish, huffy, crotchety (informal), liverish, sullen, sulkyI was heartbroken when you left. Synonyms brokenhearted, crushed, miserable, choked, grieved, dismal, desolate, dejected, despondent, dispirited, downcast, disheartened, disconsolate, crestfallen, down in the dumps (informal), sick as a parrot (informal), heartsickDefinition having a bad temper You sound like an ill-tempered child. Synonyms cross, irritable, grumpy, irascible, sharp, annoyed, impatient, touchy, bad-tempered, curt, spiteful, tetchy, ratty (British, New Zealand, informal), testy, chippy (informal), choleric, ill-humoured, liverishDefinition very unfortunate or disappointing He admitted he was partly to blame for England's lamentable performance. Synonyms disappointing, poor, miserable, unsatisfactory, mean, low quality, meagre, pitiful, wretched, not much cop (British, slang) Definition in a weakened physical or mental state `I didn't ask for this job, you know,' he tells friends when he is low. Synonyms dejected, down, blue, sad, depressed, unhappy, miserable, fed up, moody, gloomy, dismal, forlorn, glum, despondent, downcast, morose, disheartened, downhearted, down in the dumps (informal), sick as a parrot (informal), cheesed off (informal), brassed off (British, slang) Definition unworthy or contemptible That was a really low trick. Synonyms contemptible, mean, base, nasty, cowardly, degraded, vulgar, vile, sordid, abject, unworthy, despicable, depraved, menial, reprehensible, dastardly (old-fashioned), scurvy (old-fashioned), servile, unprincipled, dishonourable, ignobleAdditional synonymsDefinition mournful or gloomy He plays it so slowly that it becomes lugubrious. Synonyms gloomy, serious, sad, dismal, melancholy, dreary, sombre, woeful, mournful, morose, sorrowful, funereal, doleful, woebegone, dirgelike Definition ashamed Upstaging the bride was a particularly mean trick. Synonyms dishonourable, base, petty, degraded, disgraceful, shameful, shabby, vile, degenerate, callous, sordid, abject, despicable, narrow-minded, contemptible, wretched, scurvy (old-fashioned), ignoble, hard-hearted, scungy (Australian, New Zealand), low-mindedDefinition characterized by, causing, or expressing sadness It was at this time of day that I felt most melancholy. Synonyms sad, down, depressed, unhappy, low, blue, miserable, moody, gloomy, dismal, sombre, woeful, glum, mournful, dejected, despondent, dispirited, melancholic, downcast, lugubrious, pensive, sorrowful, disconsolate, joyless, doleful, downhearted, heavy-hearted, down in the dumps (informal), woebegone, down in the mouth, low-spiritedDefinition sullen, sulky, or gloomy Don't go all moody on me! Synonyms gloomy, sad, miserable, melancholy, frowning, dismal, dour, sullen, glum, introspective, in the doldrums, out of sorts (informal), downcast, morose, lugubrious, pensive, broody, crestfallen, doleful, down in the dumps (informal), saturnine, down in the mouth (informal), mopish, mopy Definition feeling or expressing grief and sadness He looked mournful, even near to tears. Synonyms dismal, sad, unhappy, miserable, gloomy, grieving, melancholy, sombre, heartbroken, desolate, woeful, rueful, heavy, downcast, grief-stricken, lugubrious, disconsolate, joyless, funereal, heavy-hearted, down in the dumps (informal), cheerless, brokenheartedDefinition fretful or irritable Lack of sleep always made him peevish. Synonyms irritable, cross, crabbed, childish, acrimonious, crusty, snappy, grumpy, sullen, touchy, whingeing (informal), surly, fractious, petulant, churlish, sulky, ill-tempered, cantankerous, tetchy, ratty (British, New Zealand, informal), testy, chippy (informal), fretful, short-tempered, waspish, querulous, huffy, splenetic, crotchety (informal), shrewish, liverish, captious, pettish, ill-naturedDefinition arousing or deserving pity a piteous sight Synonyms pathetic, moving, affecting, distressing, sad, miserable, dismal, poignant, harrowing, heartbreaking, grievous, pitiful, woeful, deplorable, mournful, lamentable, plaintive, heart-rending, sorrowful, gut-wrenching, wretched, doleful, pitiableDefinition arousing or deserving pity or contempt Her grandmother seemed to her a pitiable figure. Synonyms pathetic, distressing, miserable, poor, sorry, sad, dismal, harrowing, grievous, woeful, deplorable, mournful, lamentable, gut-wrenching, wretched, doleful, piteousa rainy night Synonyms wet, damp, inclement, drizzly, showery You rotten swine! Synonyms despicable, mean, base, dirty, nasty, unpleasant, filthy, vile, wicked, disagreeable, contemptible, scurrilous, shitty (taboo, slang) Additional synonymsDefinition poor She is in a sorry state. Synonyms wretched, miserable, pathetic, mean, base, poor, sad, distressing, dismal, shabby, vile, paltry, pitiful, abject, deplorable, pitiable, piteousDefinition (of a person's mood) bad-tempered and unfriendly He was a sour and lonely man. Synonyms bitter, cynical, crabbed, tart, discontented, grudging, acrimonious, embittered, disagreeable, churlish, ill-tempered, jaundiced, waspish, grouchy (informal), ungenerous, peevish, ill-naturedDefinition dirty, untidy, and in bad condition The migrants have been living in squalid conditions. Synonyms dirty, filthy, seedy, sleazy, sordid, low, nasty, foul, disgusting, rundown, decayed, repulsive, poverty-stricken, unclean, fetid, slovenly, skanky (slang), slummy, yucky or yukky (slang), yucko (Australian, slang), festy (Australian, slang) Definition moody or silent because of anger or resentment a sulky adolescent Synonyms huffy, sullen, petulant, cross, put out, moody, perverse, disgruntled, aloof, resentful, vexed, churlish, morose, querulous, ill-humoured, in the sulks Definition bad-tempered and rude He behaves in a surly and rude manner towards me. Synonyms ill-tempered, cross, churlish, crabbed, perverse, crusty, sullen, gruff, bearish, sulky, morose, brusque, testy, grouchy (informal), curmudgeonly, ungracious, uncivil, shrewishDefinition sad or depressed Her boss is horrible and she is desperately unhappy. Synonyms sad, depressed, miserable, down, low, blue, gloomy, melancholy, mournful, dejected, despondent, dispirited, downcast, long-faced, sorrowful, disconsolate, crestfallen, down in the dumps (informal) Definition morally wicked a vile and despicable crime Synonyms wicked, base, evil, mean, bad, low, shocking, appalling, ugly, corrupt, miserable, vicious, humiliating, perverted, coarse, degrading, worthless, disgraceful, vulgar, degenerate, abject, sinful, despicable, depraved, debased, loathsome, contemptible, impure, wretched, nefarious, ignobleDefinition rainy It was a miserable wet day. Synonyms rainy, damp, drizzly, showery, raining, pouring, drizzling, misty, teeming, humid, dank, clammyDefinition sad in appearance She sniffed and looked quite woebegone. Synonyms gloomy, low, blue, troubled, sad, miserable, forlorn, mournful, dejected, downcast, grief-stricken, lugubrious, long-faced, sorrowful, wretched, disconsolate, funereal, crestfallen, doleful, downhearted, down in the dumps (informal), cheerless, hangdog, down in the mouth (informal), chapfallen Definition feeling very unhappy The wretched look on the dog's face melted his heart. Synonyms unhappy, depressed, distressed, miserable, gloomy, hopeless, dismal, pathetic, worthless, melancholy, pitiful, forlorn, abject, woeful, dejected, downcast, disconsolate, funereal, crestfallen, doleful, down in the dumps (informal), pitiable, cheerless, woebegone, comfortless, brokenheartedAdditional synonymsDefinition having a gloomy temperament or appearance He is a saturnine man who speaks with precision and pedantic care. Synonyms gloomy, grave, sombre, dour, morose, glum, taciturn, phlegmatic, uncommunicativeDefinition miserable, sordid, or dirty He was living in some scungy flat on the outskirts of town. Synonyms sordid, seedy, sleazy, squalid, mean, dirty, foul, filthy, unclean, wretched, seamy, slovenly, skanky (slang), slummy, festy (Australian, slang) Definition deserving contempt It was a scurvy trick to play. Synonyms contemptible, mean, bad, low, base, rotten (informal), sorry, worthless, shabby, vile, low-down (informal), pitiful, abject, despicable, dishonourable, ignoble, scabby (informal) Definition shabby in appearance a seedy hotel Synonyms shabby, rundown, scruffy, old, worn, faded, decaying, grubby, dilapidated, tatty (British), unkempt, grotty (slang), crummy (slang), down at heel, slovenly, mangy, manky (Scottish, dialect), scungy (Australian, New Zealand) Definition old and worn in appearance a rather shabby Naples hotel Synonyms rundown, tatty, seedy, mean, neglected, scruffy, squalid, ramshackle, dilapidated, grotty (informal), tumbledown, insalubriousDefinition behaving in a mean or unfair way It was hard to know why the man deserved such shabby treatment. Synonyms mean, low, rotten (informal), cheap, dirty, shameful, low-down (informal), shoddy, unworthy, despicable, contemptible, scurvy (old-fashioned), dishonourable, ignoble, ungentlemanly Definition causing or deserving shame It is a shameful state of affairs. Synonyms disgraceful, outrageous, scandalous, mean, low, base, infamous, indecent, degrading, vile, wicked, atrocious, unworthy, reprehensible, ignominious, dastardly (old-fashioned), unbecoming, dishonourableDefinition serious, sad, or gloomy The pair were in sombre mood. Synonyms gloomy, sad, sober, grave, dismal, melancholy, mournful, lugubrious, joyless, funereal, doleful, sepulchralDefinition dirty, depressing, and squalid the attic windows of their sordid little rooms Synonyms dirty, seedy, sleazy, squalid, mean, foul, filthy, unclean, wretched, seamy, slovenly, skanky (slang), slummy, scungy (Australian, New Zealand), festy (Australian, slang) His father's face looked suddenly soft and sorrowful. Synonyms sad, unhappy, miserable, sorry, depressed, painful, distressed, grieving, dismal, afflicted, melancholy, tearful, heartbroken, woeful, mournful, dejected, rueful, lugubrious, wretched, disconsolate, doleful, heavy-hearted, down in the dumps (informal), woebegone, piteous, sick at heart Seesad |