the supreme judicial, ecclesiastical, and administrative council of the Jews in New Testament times, having 71 members
a similar tribunal of 23 members having less important functions and authority
Word origin
C16: from Late Hebrew, from Greek sunedrion council, from sun-syn- + hedra seat
Sanhedrin in American English
(sænˈhidrɪn; sænˈhɛdrɪn; ˈsænəˌdrɪn)
the highest court and council of the ancient Jewish nation, having religious and civil functions: it was abolished with the destruction of Jerusalem in a.d. 70
: also Chiefly British ˈSanheˌdrim (ˈsænəˌdrɪm)
Word origin
TalmudHeb sanhedrin (gedola), (great) council < Gr synedrion, assembly < syn-, together + hedra, seat: see sit