If someone who is acting in a play or film is miscast, the role that they have is not suitable for them, so that they appear silly or unconvincing to the audience.
miscast in British English
verbWord forms: -casts, -casting or -cast(transitive)
to cast badly
2. (often passive)
to cast (a role or the roles) in (a play, film, etc) inappropriately
Falstaff was certainly miscast
to assign an inappropriate role to
he was miscast as a villain
miscast in American English
verb transitiveWord forms: misˈcast or misˈcasting
to cast (an actor) in an unsuitable role
to cast (a play) with actors unsuited to their roles
Examples of 'miscast' in a sentence
Harry studied Broker's predicament and said, "You're really miscast in this role, you know.