A coordinating conjunction is a word such as 'and,' 'or,' or 'but' which joins two or more words, groups, or clauses of equal status, for example two main clauses. Compare subordinating conjunction.
English Easy Learning GrammarJoining clausesCoordination The process called coordination joins two short clauses of equal importance with aconjunction. Each clause becomes a main clause in the new ... Read more
English Easy Learning GrammarSentences and clausesA clause is a group of words which contains a verb. The verb in a clause can be finite Use this pan for the pasta. He missed the turnoff. or non-finite. To ... Read more
coordinating conjunction in British English
a conjunction that introduces coordinate clauses, such as and, but, and or
Compare subordinating conjunction
coordinating conjunction in American English
a conjunction that connects coordinate words, phrases, or clauses (Ex.: and, but, for, or, nor, yet, so)