A Baptist is a Christian who believes that people should not be baptized until they are old enough to understand the meaning of baptism.
2. adjective [usually ADJECTIVE noun]
Baptist means belonging or relating to Baptists.
...a Baptist church.
Baptist in British English
a member of any of various Christian sects that affirm the necessity of baptism (usually of adults and by immersion) following a personal profession of the Christian faith
2. the Baptist
denoting, relating to, or characteristic of any Christian sect that affirms the necessityof baptism following a personal profession of the Christian faith
baptist in American English
a person who baptizes
2. [B-]
a member of a Protestant denomination holding that baptism should be given only to believers after confession of faith and by immersion rather than sprinkling
the Baptist
Word origin
ME & OFr baptiste < LL (Ec) baptista, a baptizer (esp. John the Baptist) < Gr baptistēs: see baptize
Examples of 'Baptist' in a sentence
The rodeo stopped in places where there was always a Baptist or a Methodist church, and both of their Sunday schools satisfied Luther.
McCorquodale, Robin DANSVILLE
We spent an awful lot of time in the Bethesda Baptist Chapel at weekends,' I added.
Isabel Wolff RESCUING ROSE (2002)
In other languages
British English: Baptist /ˈbæptɪst/ NOUN
A Baptist is a Christian who believes that people should not be baptized until they are old enough to understand the meaning of baptism.
American English: Baptist
Arabic: مَعْمَدان
Brazilian Portuguese: batista
Chinese: 施洗者
Croatian: baptist
Czech: baptista
Danish: baptist
Dutch: doopsgezinde
European Spanish: baptista
Finnish: baptisti
French: baptiste
German: Baptist
Greek: Βαπτιστής
Italian: Battista
Japanese: バプテスト
Korean: 침례교도
Norwegian: baptist
Polish: baptysta
European Portuguese: baptista
Romanian: baptist
Russian: баптист
Latin American Spanish: baptista
Swedish: baptist
Thai: ผู้นับถือศาสนาคริสต์
Turkish: Baptist
Ukrainian: баптист
Vietnamese: người theo giáo phái Baptist
Definition of 'Baptist'
All related terms of 'Baptist'
the Baptist
John the Baptist
Baptist Church
→ the Baptist Church
John the Baptist
Saint. the son of Zacharias and Elizabeth and the cousin and forerunner of Jesus, whom he baptized . He was beheaded by Herod ( Matthew 14:1–2). Feast day: June 24
the Baptist Church
any of various Protestant churches that believe in the baptism of believers
German Baptist Brethren
a Protestant sect founded in 1708 in Germany but who migrated to the US in 1719–29, the members of which (Dunkers) insist on adult baptism by total immersion