Iain (Menzies). 1954–2013, Scottish novelist and science fiction writer. His novels include The Wasp Factory (1984), The Crow Road (1992), and The Steep Approach to Garbadale (2007); science-fiction (under the name Iain M. Banks) includes Look to Windward (2000)
Sir Joseph. 1743–1820, British botanist and explorer: circumnavigated the world with James Cook (1768–71)
All related terms of 'Banks'
A bank is an institution where people or businesses can keep their money.
Grand Banks
a part of the continental shelf in the Atlantic , extending for about 560 km (350 miles) off the SE coast of Newfoundland : meeting place of the cold Labrador Current and the warm Gulf Stream , producing frequent fogs and formerly rich fishing grounds
Outer Banks
chain of long, narrow , sandy islands, along the coast of N.C.
Banks Island
an island of N Canada , in the Northwest Territories : the westernmost island of the Arctic Archipelago . Area: about 67 340 sq km (26 000 sq miles)
fishing banks
a place where fish are abundant , as off Newfoundland
bank on
If you bank on something happening , you expect it to happen and rely on it happening.
bad bank
a financial institution set up to hold and manage underperforming assets owned by other banks
data bank
A data bank is the same as a → database .
fog bank
A fog bank is an area of thick fog, especially at sea.
a charitable organization which distributes food aid to people in financial difficulty
food bank
A food bank is a place where food and groceries are given free to people who need them.
gene bank
a collection of seeds, plants, tissue cultures , etc, of potentially useful species, esp species containing genes of significance to the breeding of crops
land bank
a bank that issues banknotes on the security of property
milk bank
a place where breast milk can be donated for babies who cannot be breastfed or breastfed sufficiently by their mothers
snow bank
a long raised mass of fallen snow
soil bank
(in the US) a federal programme by which farmers are paid to divert land to soil-enriching crops
toxic bank
a financial institution set up to hold and manage underperforming assets owned by other banks
blood bank
A blood bank is a place where blood which has been taken from blood donors is stored until it is needed for people in hospital .
organ bank
a facility that manages organs for transplant
piggy bank
A piggy bank is a small container shaped like a pig, with a narrow hole in the top through which to put coins. Children often use piggy banks to save money .
river bank
A river bank is the land along the edge of a river.
sperm bank
a place in which semen is stored until it is required for artificial insemination
state bank
(in the US) a commercial bank incorporated under a State charter and not required to be a member of the Federal Reserve System
bottle bank
A bottle bank is a large container into which people can put empty bottles so that the glass can be used again.
central bank
a national bank that does business mainly with a government and with other banks : it regulates the volume and cost of credit
to carry a second person on (a horse, bicycle , etc)
memory bank
(of a computer) the part where memory is stored
oyster bank
a place, esp on the sea bed , where oysters breed and grow naturally or are cultivated for food or pearls
reserve bank
one of the twelve banks forming part of the US Federal Reserve System
savings bank
a bank that accepts the savings of depositors and pays interest on them
advising bank
a bank that advises the intended beneficiary of a letter of credit that it has received the letter of credit, checks documents presented by the beneficiary with the issuing bank, and issues funds to the beneficiary
challenger bank
(in the UK) a small retail bank set up with the intention of competing with larger and longer-established banks
chartered bank
a privately owned bank that has been incorporated by Parliament to operate in the commercial banking system
clearing bank
The clearing banks are the main banks in Britain. Clearing banks use the central clearing house in London to deal with other banks.
commercial bank
A commercial bank is a bank which makes short-term loans using money from current or checking accounts.
custodian bank
A custodian bank is a bank that holds customer assets in safety .
internet bank
a bank that allows customers to conduct business online , esp exclusively so
investment bank
a bank engaged primarily in making long-term loans to companies and managing investment portfolios
merchant bank
A merchant bank is a bank that deals mainly with firms , investment, and foreign trade, rather than with the public.
national bank
(in the US) a commercial bank incorporated under a Federal charter and legally required to be a member of the Federal Reserve System
universal bank
A universal bank is a bank that offers both banking and stockbroking services to its clients.
angle of bank
the angle between the lateral axis of an aircraft in flight and the horizontal
cooperative bank
(in the UK) a cooperative organization that accepts deposits of money from savers and uses them to make loans , secured by mortgages , to house buyers . Since 1986 they have been empowered to offer banking services
correspondent bank
A correspondent bank is a bank that provides services such as accepting deposits for another bank.
development bank
A development bank is a bank that provides money for projects in poor countries or areas.
federal land bank
one of 12 banks that extends long-term mortgage credit to crop farmers and cattle raisers, to buy land, or for other agricultural purposes
gene library
a collection of gene clones that represents the genetic material of an organism: used in genetic engineering
mutual savings bank
a savings bank having no subscribed capital stock and distributing all available net profit to depositors who, however, remain creditors without voting power
oyster bed
An oyster bed is a place where oysters breed and grow naturally or are kept for food or pearls.
oyster park
a place, esp on the sea bed , where oysters breed and grow naturally or are cultivated for food or pearls