The constitution of a country or organization is the system of laws which formally states people's rights and duties.
The king was forced to adopt a new constitution which reduced his powers.
...the American Constitution.
At one time, the club's constitution prevented women from becoming full members.
Synonyms: laws, code, charter, canon More Synonyms of constitution
2. countable noun [usually singular]
Your constitution is your health.
He must have an extremely strong constitution.
I've always had the constitution of an ox.
Synonyms: state of health, build, body, make-up More Synonyms of constitution
More Synonyms of constitution
constitution in British English
the act of constituting or state of being constituted
the way in which a thing is composed; physical make-up; structure
the fundamental political principles on which a state is governed, esp when considered as embodying the rights of the subjects of that state
4. (often capital)
(in certain countries, esp Australia and the US) a statute embodying such principles
a person's state of health
a person's disposition of mind; temperament
constitution in American English
(ˌkɑnstəˈtuʃən; ˌkɑnstəˈtjuʃən)
the act of setting up or making up; establishment, appointment, or formation
the way in which a thing is made up; structure; organization; makeup
the physical, or rarely mental, makeup of a person
a man of strong constitution
the way in which a government, state, society, etc. is organized
a decree, regulation, or custom
the system of fundamental laws and principles of a government, state, society, corporation, etc., written or unwritten
a document or set of documents in which these laws and principles are written down
the Constitution
Word origin
ME constitucioun < OFr constitution < L constitutio: see constitute
Examples of 'constitution' in a sentence
That man has the constitution of an ox.
The Sun (2016)
We came up with a new constitution.
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
The proposed changes risk jeopardising the introduction of the new constitution and return to democracy.
Times, Sunday Times (2017)
Then she realised that as the embodiment of the British constitution she must uphold its legal processes.
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
To do so, he crafted a new constitution.
Smithsonian Mag (2017)
And he spoke in favour of a referendum on a new constitution, demanding that it should include guarantees on social welfare and environmental protection.
Times, Sunday Times (2017)
Monarchy excels all other kinds of constitution and government.
Kishlansky, Mark A. (editor) Sources of the West: Readings in Western Civilization, Volume 1: From the Beginningto 1715 (1995)
The latter would draft and adopt a new constitution.
Times, Sunday Times (2011)
In a modern democracy a constitution must be written by the people.
Times, Sunday Times (2014)
It was perhaps evidence that her fragile grip on reality also extended to a fragile physical constitution.
Times, Sunday Times (2011)
The framework of the balanced constitution and mixed government was broadly accepted by political theorists and practising politicians alike.
Roper, Jon Democracy and its Critics - Anglo-American democratic thought in the nineteenth century (1989)
But a strong constitution is essential.
Times, Sunday Times (2010)
Changes to the club 's constitution could be agreed at a meeting next month.
Times, Sunday Times (2011)
If we lack a constitution we must make one; the nation alone has that right.
Kishlansky, Mark A. (editor) Sources of the West: Readings in Western Civilization, Volume 1: From the Beginningto 1715 (1995)
Further, what is to stop a subsequent government rewriting the constitution when it comes to power?
Times, Sunday Times (2015)
You need to have a strong constitution to visit some of the country's most haunted places.
The Sun (2012)
It's a feat worth seeing for those with strong constitutions.
Times, Sunday Times (2014)
A new constitution will only grow out of a new collaborative political culture.
Hirst, Paul After Thatcher (1989)
A new and progressive constitution had to be hammered out.
Times, Sunday Times (2013)
An assembly set up to devise the country 's new constitution has been suspended amid accusations that it was not diverse enough.
Times, Sunday Times (2012)
A new constitution was adopted that was supported by only 32% of voters.
Times, Sunday Times (2014)
I hope voters will use this referendum to tell the Government that our constitution deserves better.
Times, Sunday Times (2011)
Until 2010 the constitution of the country limited a president to two six-year terms.
Times, Sunday Times (2015)
The assembly will write the country 's new constitution, probably within a year.
Times, Sunday Times (2011)
Her new homeland's constitution guarantees her the right to be offensive, from day one.
The Sun (2015)
To be passed, the constitution must be approved by more than 50% of voters.
Times, Sunday Times (2012)
You say that the constitution includes'a government right to choose which court should hear a case '.
Times, Sunday Times (2012)
But the opposition's main hope rests on a condition that the new government must reform the constitution and hold fresh elections in 18 months.
Times, Sunday Times (2008)
In other languages
British English: constitution /ˌkɒnstɪˈtjuːʃən/ NOUN
The constitution is the laws of a country or organization.
The government has to write a new constitution this year.
American English: constitution
Arabic: دُسْتُور
Brazilian Portuguese: constituição
Chinese: 宪法
Croatian: ustav
Czech: ústava
Danish: forfatning
Dutch: grondwet
European Spanish: constitución
Finnish: perustuslaki
French: constitution
German: Verfassung Gesetz
Greek: σύνταγμα
Italian: costituzione
Japanese: 憲法
Korean: 헌법
Norwegian: grunnlov
Polish: konstytucja
European Portuguese: constituição
Romanian: constituție
Russian: конституция
Latin American Spanish: constitución
Swedish: grundlag
Thai: รัฐธรรมนูญ
Turkish: yasalar
Ukrainian: конституція
Vietnamese: hiến pháp
All related terms of 'constitution'
Constitution State
→ the Constitution State
iron constitution
a particularly strong and resistant physical make-up
the Constitution
the document containing the fundamental laws of the United States : it consists of the seven original articles , adopted in 1789, and twenty-seven amendments
Constitution mirror
an oblong Chippendale mirror, usually of mahogany or walnut with gilt detail, having a frame with a fanciful outline emphasized by a raised molding that is topped with a scrolled broken pediment with a central finial, often in the form of a bird
unwritten constitution
a constitution , as in Great Britain, not codified as a document but defined by custom and precedent as embodied in statutes and judicial decisions
the Constitution State
a nickname for the state of Connecticut
First Amendment of the Constitution
→ another name for First Amendment
Chinese translation of 'constitution'
[of country]宪(憲)法 (xiànfǎ) (部, bù)
[of club, organization]章程 (zhāngchéng)
(= health) 体(體)质(質) (tǐzhì)
(= formation) 组(組)成 (zǔchéng)
she's got the constitution of an ox她健壮(壯)得像头(頭)公牛 (tā jiànzhuàng de xiàng tóu gōngniú)
1 (noun)
the principles on which a state is governed
The king was forced to adopt a new constitution which reduced his powers.
This crime is included in the penal code on treason.
The Prime Minister also attacked the social charter.
body of law
2 (noun)
a person's state of health
He must have an extremely strong constitution.
state of health
the smallness of his build
The largest organ in the body is the liver.
belts pulled tight against their bony frames
a powerful physique
physical condition
3 (noun)
the make-up or structure of something
a small research team looking into the chemical constitution of coal
The chemical structure of this particular molecule is very unusual.
the sustained narrative form of the novel
The protests had been non-political in nature.
the chemical make-up of the atmosphere
the internal organization of the department
Shops and other commercial establishments remained closed today.
He was flying in formation with seven other jets.
Materials of different composition absorb and reflect light differently.
There is a side to his character which you haven't seen yet.
He's known for his placid temper.
His impulsive temperament regularly got him into difficulties.
his friendly and cheerful disposition
Additional synonyms
in the sense of body
the entire physical structure of an animal or human
The largest organ in the body is the liver.
flesh and bones
in the sense of build
physical form, figure, or proportions
the smallness of his build
in the sense of character
the combination of qualities distinguishing an individual person, group of people, or place
There is a side to his character which you haven't seen yet.