any wide or unobstructed space or expanse, esp of land or water
See full dictionary entry for open
the open in American English
any open, unobstructed space on land or water
an unenclosed area; the outdoors
public knowledge
See full dictionary entry for open
Examples of 'the open' in a sentence
the open
Beside it the open expanse of river was sliding down to the sea beneath a foggy shroud.
Paul Hyland RALEGH'S LAST JOURNEY: A Tale of Madness, Vanity and Treachery (2003)
All related terms of 'the open'
in the open
If you do something in the open , you do it out of doors rather than in a house or other building .
the heavens open
If the heavens open , it suddenly starts raining very heavily.
the Open College
(in Britain) a college of art founded in 1987 for mature students studying foundation courses in arts and crafts by television programmes , written materials, and tutorials
come into the open
to become evident or public
open the floodgates
If events open the floodgates to something, they make it possible for that thing to happen much more often or much more seriously than before.
the Open University
(in Britain) a university founded in 1969 for mature students studying by television and radio lectures , correspondence courses, local counselling , summer schools, and now also online materials
bring into the open
to make evident or public
to open the floodgates
If events open the floodgates to something, they make it possible for that thing to happen much more often or much more seriously than before.
in the open/out in the open
If an attitude or situation is in the open or out in the open , people know about it and it is no longer kept secret .
open the floodgates to something
to make it possible or likely that a particular thing will be done by many people, perhaps in a way that seems undesirable
open the door to something to open the door
If someone or something opens the door to a good new idea or situation , they introduce it or make it possible .
clear the way/open the way/prepare the way
If you clear the way , open the way , or prepare the way for something, you create an opportunity for it to happen .