The place was full of people taking late lunches who weren't planning to go back to the office.
Stuart Harrison BETTER THAN THIS (2002)
Malone put down the phone as Clements came into the office.
Jon Cleary YESTERDAY'S SHADOW (2002)
Wolters checked his watch, just after 8.00 p. m. He asked Voss to leave the office for a moment, take his glass.
All related terms of 'the office'
the Welsh Office
(formerly) a department of the British government with responsibility for Welsh policies . It was replaced by the Wales office in 1999.
the Scottish Office
(formerly) a department of the UK government under the control of the Secretary of State for Scotland , responsible for a wide range of functions relating to Scotland. Most of these are now (since 1999) the responsibility of the Scottish government; the others are the responsibility of the Scotland Office
the Stationery Office
(in the UK) the company that supplies the civil service with all its office supplies, machinery , printing and binding , etc
the Meteorological office
a British Government department supplying weather forecasts
back-to-the-office report
a brief report by a worker who has been away on a mission of some kind , providing colleagues with information about the mission
Executive Office of the President
→ the Executive Office of the President
the Executive Office of the President
the staff of the US President
Statistical Office of the European Communities
an organization within the European Union that collects and collates statistical information relating to member states
The OCC is a federal agency that is responsible for monitoring all national banks , and federal branches and agencies of foreign banks.
Met Office
(in Britain ) a national weather-forecasting service
Oval Office
the private office of the president of the US, a large oval room in the White House