a small ulceration on a mucous membrane, as in thrush, caused by a fungal infection
2. veterinary science another name for foot-and-mouth disease
Derived forms
aphthous (ˈaphthous)
Word origin
C17: via Latin from Greek: mouth-sore, thrush
aphtha in American English
nounWord forms: pluralˈaphthae (ˈæfθi)
a small, white spot or pustule, caused by either viral or fungal infections, that appears in the mouth, on the lips, or in the gastrointestinal tract in certain diseases, as thrush
Derived forms
aphthous (ˈaphthous) (ˈæfθəs)
Word origin
ModL < L aphthae (occurring only in pl.) < Gr aphtha (pl. aphthai), eruption, thrush < haptein, to inflame